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Discover the Impact of Comprehensive Maintenance on the Success of the Jeanneau Sun Charm 39 “Nessaru” Sailing Vessel
mantenimiento integral velero


mantenimiento integral del barco

In the exciting world of sailboats, some stories transcend sailing and become
uential adventures full of
adventures full of emotion and overcoming. Such is the case of Colin and Michael, two Australian Navy retirees, and their sailboat Nessaru. This is an epic story that illustrates the true spirit of sailing and highlights the importance of comprehensive ship maintenance.

An Extraordinary Maritime Adventure

Colin and Michael, eager for one last great maritime adventure, set out to take their beloved sailboat Nessaru from Barcelona to Australia through the iconic Panama Canal.

To make this monumental voyage, they needed a sailing vessel in optimal and reliable condition. This is where our history and our vital contribution as experts in comprehensive boat maintenance and boat sales begins.

Expert Advice and Purchase of the Sailboat

From the moment Colin and Michael walked into our office in Port Ginesta, we knew we were in for an exceptional adventure. Our team of specialists helped them select the Jeanneau Sun Charm 39, a boat with its own history of sailing and adventure.

After a quick and efficient transaction, Colin and Michael became the proud owners of Nessaru, ready to embark on their transoceanic voyage.

Comprehensive Maintenance: Key to a Safe Journey

Before sailing, there was a lot of work to be done. We take care of all the necessary improvements to the boat to ensure its performance and safety at sea.

Here we break down in detail every aspect of the comprehensive ship maintenance we implemented to ensure that Nessaru was in the best possible condition:

1. Checking of the Rigging and the Anti-Rotation Hood

The rigging, consisting of the ropes and cables that support the mast, is crucial to the stability and maneuverability of the sailboat. We evaluated each component to ensure that there was no wear or damage that could compromise safety.

The sprayhood, essential to protect the cockpit from splashes and adverse conditions, did not exist on this boat, so we have taken care of its manufacture and complete installation .

mantenimiento integral de los barcos
mantenimiento integral de los barcos

2. Installation of a New Trans-oceanic Autopilot

Navigating long distances without a reliable autopilot can be exhausting. We install a state-of-the-art state-of-the-art autopilot, designed specifically for transoceanic voyages.

Allowing Colin and Michael to benefit from a more relaxed and safer sailing experience, with the peace of mind of knowing that the system can handle a variety of sea conditions.

3. Liferaft Revision and Mainsail Reinforcement

Safety is our top priority. The life raft underwent a complete overhaul to ensure it was ready for any emergency.

Additionally, we reinforced the mainsail to withstand the high winds and extreme conditions that could be encountered at sea. This reinforcement is essential
to maintain the structural integrity of the sailboat during the voyage.

4. Engine and Fuel Tank Maintenance

The engine is the heart of any sailboat in terms of auxiliary propulsion and safety. We performed a thorough overhaul of the engine, making sure that all components were in perfect condition.

We also clean and check the diesel tank to avoid fuel problems, guaranteeing a clean and uninterrupted supply.

5. Change of All Bottom Taps

Bottom taps are critical points in a ship’s structure, allowing water to flow in and out for various systems. We replaced all the Nessaru’s bottom taps to ensure their optimal
ensure their optimal functioning
and prevent any possible infiltration that could jeopardize the safety of the boat.

mantenimiento integral de los barcos
mantenimiento integral de los barcos

6. Total painting of the hull

The hull had some osmosis bubbles that needed to be treated, so we had to sand and paint the entire hull.

The work performed was as follows:

  • Remove the current paint up to the gelcoat, repairing as many bubbles as possible.
  • Apply a coat of epoxy resin.
  • Apply epoxy putty 830 on all treated areas.
  • Sand the putty and repair the flaws with more epoxy putty.
  • Apply three coats of epoxy primer.
  • Treat the keel by removing all existing material and apply seven coats of epoxy primer.
  • Apply two coats of international antifouling.
  • Hull polishing.
  • Remove vinyl from waterlines and hull trim.
  • Sand and paint the profile, applying three coats of finishing paint.
mantenimiento integral de los barcos
mantenimiento integral de los barcos

The Importance of Integral Ship Maintenance

Comprehensive boat maintenance is not just a matter of periodic repair and overhaul; it is a continuous process that ensures the safety, efficiency and longevity of the vessel.

Here we explain some key benefits of comprehensive boat maintenance:

> Safety on the High Seas

Safety is the main benefit of comprehensive maintenance. A well-maintained vessel is less exposed to mechanical and structural failures, significantly reducing the risk of accidents.

Every system on the boat, from the engine to the sails, must be in perfect condition to ensure safe navigation.

> Optimum Performance

A properly maintained sailboat runs more efficiently. This translates into better performance in terms of speed, maneuverability and fuel consumption.
This translates into improved performance in terms of speed, maneuverability and fuel consumption.

Periodic upgrades and overhauls ensure that every component of the vessel is performing to the best of its ability.

> Vessel Longevity

Comprehensive maintenance prolongs the life of the boat. By addressing small problems before they become major failures, the investment made in the vessel is protected .

This includes preventing corrosion, wear and other damage that can occur over time.

> Long-Term Economic Savings

Although it may seem costly in the short term, comprehensive ship maintenance results in significant long-term savings.
significant savings in the long term.

Prevents the need for costly and extensive repairs that can arise from negligence. In addition, a well-maintained boat retains its resale value better than one that has not received the same level of attention.

mantenimiento integral de los barcos
mantenimiento integral de los barcos

Our Commitment to Excellence

Our team worked with dedication and professionalism to complete all improvements quickly and efficiently.

The priority was to ensure that Colin and Michael could
their adventure without any worries.
. Nessaru’s departure from Port Ginesta was an exciting moment, full of good wishes and dreams to be fulfilled.

A Testimonial of Confidence and Satisfaction

Accompanying Colin and Michael through this exciting stage of their lives was a rewarding experience. Your satisfaction and confidence in our work are the best recognition of our commitment to excellence in nautical service.

This project is a testament to the importance
importance of comprehensive boat maintenance and how it can
and how it can transform a voyage into a safe and memorable experience.

Colin and Michael left us a very detailed and appreciative review on Google. Here we translate it to share your experience with us:

“My colleague and I are retired Australian naval officers, and in 2023 we made a plan to buy a yacht in Europe and sail it back to Australia.

In August 2023, we traveled to Barcelona, where we purchased a 1990 Jeanneau Sun Charm 39, through
Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona
. Chiara Campagnaro, the Director of NYBB, and Òscar Rius were extremely helpful with the arrangements to view the boat, with the negotiations with the seller, and subsequently with the inspection and sales contract.

When we saw the yacht, it was clean and obviously well maintained, with a great layout and a bright and airy interior. However, given her age, we realized that she would need work to bring her up to the standard required for a crossing across the Atlantic and Pacific.

After returning to Australia, we engaged Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona as project managers to oversee a number of major works, including the replacement of the rigging and a complete hull refit.

They also received several packages, including nautical charts and a new Genoa, which were sent by courier to Spain. Throughout this process, Chiara and Òscar kept us fully informed with progress reports supported by many photos.

We return to Spain in March 2023 with the intention of embarking on our voyage in early April, weather permitting. Without the support of Chiara and Òscar, it is hard to imagine how all this would have been possible. We are indebted to them for making this happen.”

mantenimiento integral velero

Tips for Integral Boat Maintenance

For those who are considering embarking on a similar voyage, or simply wish to keep their boat in top condition, here are some useful tips for comprehensive boat maintenance:

Performing regular inspections of all ship systems is crucial. This includes the hull, rigging, engine, electrical and plumbing systems, among others. Periodic checks help to identify and fix problems before they become serious failures.

Keeping the boat clean is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also of protection. Salt and other elements can cause corrosion and other damage. It is important to clean the boat regularly and apply protective products to preserve the materials.

Maintain a
detailed record
of all maintenance activities is essential. This includes repairs, replacements and improvements made. A detailed log makes it easier to keep track of maintenance needs and can be useful for future owners.

Using high quality products and components for maintenance and repairs ensures greater durability and performance. This is especially important for critical ship systems such as the engine and rigging.

Having the advice of experts in integral boat maintenance is a valuable investment. Professionals can provide expert insight and perform work that requires specialized skills, ensuring that the vessel is always in the best possible condition.

The Nessaru Crossing

Nessaru’s departure from Port Ginesta was a moment of great excitement and anticipation. Equipped with a sailboat in top condition thanks to our comprehensive maintenance work, Colin and Michael embarked on their voyage with confidence and security.

Throughout the journey, they faced diverse weather conditions and challenges, but their preparation and
the impeccable condition of Nessaru
enabled them to sail successfully.

The success of their voyage is a testament to the positive impact that comprehensive ship maintenance can have. It’s not just about preventing problems, it’s about ensuring that every trip is as safe and enjoyable as possible. Colin and Michael, with their sailboat Nessaru, are an inspiring example of how proper preparation and maintenance can transform an adventure into an unforgettable experience.

mantenimiento integral de los barcos
mantenimiento integral de los barcos


Comprehensive boat maintenance is an essential practice for any boat owner who wishes to ensure the safety, efficiency and longevity of their sailboat. Our experience with the Jeanneau Sun Charm 39 “Nessaru” and its owners Colin and Michael underlines the importance of these services. Thanks to our commitment to excellence and detail, we were able to help them realize their dream of sailing from Europe to Australia safely and successfully.

If you want to follow Colin and Michael’s exciting voyage aboard Nessaru, we invite you to visit their blog at https://www.sailblogs.com/member/nessaru/#top.

Thank you for being part of this amazing sailing adventure!

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