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Corredors de iots

Pirate Ship for sale

Find a Pirate Ship For Sale? Sure, we have one!

Pirates were never more prevalent than in recent years, as we all followed Jonny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. One film storyline finds the winds of ill fortune blowing against Jack Sparrow when a deadly ghost pirate Captain Salazar and his mates escape the Devil’s Triangle. They have only one aim and are determined to kill every pirate at sea, including Captain Jack. The only hope for Jack Sparrow is if he is to survive lies in finding the legendary Trident of Poseidon. Not such a simple task? This powerful artefact bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas. Wow, compelling stuff! 

Pirate ship for sale Barcelona

We have an authentic replica of Pirate Ship at Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona. 

Here are a few famous pirate ships. She is a fake made some years ago as a tourist attraction. 

What about real Pirates

You could not find a Pirate Ship For Sale anywhere in the day! They called it the “Golden Age of Piracy,” thousands of so-called pirates, buccaneers, corsairs, and scurvy sea dogs made a living by plundering all ships at sea. Romantic stories of pirates are many. The hard reality is that little has changed in the world. So-called pirates still exist and always will. Pirates will continue on land or at sea, taking from those with the possessions they want. 

Were Pirates honourable?

Pirate ship boat for sale in a marinaIt is fair to say Pirates did not disguise ships so much. Perhaps that was more honourable than how a modern-day Pirate can hide behind a computer in a remote location. The reality is the same a modern-day pirate has no interest in rules. They play the game of life to survive with no thought about the suffering of others in the same way barbaric pirates did hundreds of years ago. 

Historic Pirates such as Blackbeard, “Black Bart” Roberts, and Captain William Kidd became famous. Their names are synonymous with piracy. But what about the ships they used? Pirate ships became famous used by the men who sailed them.  

History records authentic Pirate Ships such as;

Blackbeard’s Queen Anne’s Revenge

Pirate ship for sale below deckThe Queen Anne’s Revenge was a giant pirate ship commanded by Edward “Blackbeard” Teach for about one year in 1717. Initially, she was a French slaving vessel. Blackbeard captured her and made modifications. She became one of the most formidable pirate ships ever. She carried 40 cannons with enough room left for men and loot.

The Ultimate Pirate Ship 

Blackbeard often intimidates his victims into surrender. Fights were costly, so this was an economical solution. For months in 1717-18, Blackbeard used the Queen Anne’s Revenge to terrorise shipping in the Atlantic. Blackbeard’s victims rarely put up a fight and handed over their cargoes peacefully between the massive frigate and his fearsome appearance and reputation. He plundered several shipping lanes at will. Unable to defend themselves, Blackbeard was able to blockade the port of Charleston for a whole week in April 1718. He plundered and looted several ships. Eventually, the town gave him a valuable chest of medicines to make him disappear.

Bartholomew Roberts’ Royal Fortune 

Wheel Pirate ship for sale BarcelonaBartholomew “Black Bart” Roberts was probably one of the most successful pirates, looting hundreds of ships over three years. He had several flagships during this time. The largest of them was the Royal Fortune. She was a 40-cannon behemoth with a crew of 157 men. The Royal Fortune could slug it out with any Navy ship. Roberts was aboard this ​when he was killed in battle against the Swallow in February 1722.

Sam Bellamy’s Whydah 

In February 1717, the pirate Sam Bellamy captured the Whydah (or Gally). She was a prominent British ship used to transport enslaved people. Bellamy could mount 28 cannons on her and terrorised Atlantic shipping lanes briefly. However, the pirate Whydah did not last long: it was caught up in a horrendous storm off Cape Cod in April 1717, barely two months after Bellamy first captured her. The wreck of the Whydah was discovered in 1984, and thousands of artefacts have been recovered, including the ship’s bell. The ship’s artefacts are on display in a museum in Provincetown, Massachusetts.

If the pirate ships above are unattractive, why not charter your pirate ship? You can hoist the jolly Rodger on any yacht, and you will become a pirate (the kids love it). Why not go out and charter in the Caribbean? Then you will become a real pirate of the Caribbean. (any of the charter companies does not provide plastic swords and guns or the jolly roger flag)

Vaixells en venda

Hallberg Rassy Rasmus 35 venut

Aquest Hallberg Rassy Rasmus 35

Iot davanter Hallberg Rassy Rasmus en venda a l'exteriorUn exemple destacat de Hallberg Rassy Rasmus és un ketch de creuer Blue Chip. Ella és del molt aclamat Swedish Boat Yard. El Rasmus 35 té una quilla llarga tradicional. Aquesta configuració de quilla la converteix en un gran fabricant de passatges en totes les condicions meteorològiques. La direcció de les rodes i una cabina central amb una pantalla frontal fixa i un tancament de la cabina de popa afegeixen una protecció molt necessària a les aigües més tranquil·les del nord d’Europa. Aquest bell iot s’ha gastat una quantitat escandalosa de diners des del 2015, incloses les cobertes de teca sintètica per a tot el temps. Construïda l’any 1978, fa poc que ha renascut gràcies al treball que s’hi ha fet recentment.


Aquest Hallberg-Rassy Rasmus 35 ofereix sis llits i dues cabines, inclosa la berlina. Disposa d’equips de navegació actualitzats, propulsor de proa i calefacció de cabina dièsel. És molt recomanable la visualització anticipada d’aquest iot ben presentat. La cabina de proa té una llitera en V amb farciment per convertir-la en una llitera doble, emmagatzematge sota els llits, una escotilla de coberta d’obertura i un armari penjant. A la part posterior de la cabina davantera hi ha els caps amb un vàter marí elèctric amb aigua dolça amb dipòsit d’aigua negra, lavabo amb aigua freda i calenta a pressió i dutxa, tot bombejat a un dipòsit d’aigua grisa. Davant dels caps hi ha un altre armari penjat. A Aft of the Heads hi ha el saló principal amb un sofà en forma d’U cap a Port. El saló té un interior de caoba amb tapisseria blau clar i grans finestrals, que el fan lluminós i airejat.

La tapisseria es va renovar el 2015. La taula del saló baixa per fer una llitera doble.

Davant del saló hi ha la cuina lineal amb una cuina de gas Spinflo amb un forn, una graella i dos cremadors: una pica d’acer inoxidable amb aigua a pressió calenta i freda, una aixeta batedora i una nevera de 12 volts amb una caixa de congelació. El saló té un televisor de pantalla plana/DVD 12v/240v amb antena al pal de Mizzen i amplificador a la taula de cartes i sistema d’entreteniment Fusion.

La galera és l’estació de navegació amb una gran taula de cartes amb diversos instruments i espai per guardar llibres i cartes.

Uns esglaons condueixen a la zona central de la cabina amb una sòlida pantalla protectora i un recinte de lona. La part central es pot treure ràpidament quan es navega. Són esglaons que baixen a la cabina de popa amb una llitera doble i un petit lavabo portàtil. Té la calefacció Eberspacher equipada nova el 2017 amb una sortida a la cabina de popa, el saló principal i la cabina davantera. La cabina central ofereix un fàcil accés a la coberta i és segur per navegar.

Veles i espars:

Helm Hallberg Rassy Rasmus Yacht en vendaL’aparell Ketch amb el principal anoditzat Selden i el pal de Mizzen nou el 2015: vela de capçal aparellada fraccionada amb gènova enrotllable, principal d’escull de llosa i Mizzen. La vela major té escull d’una sola línia. Els aparells de peu d’acer inoxidable i els aparells de trena de terilena es van substituir el 2015/2016. Nou sistema de vela de cap enrotllable el 2015.

Sistemes mecànics:

Aquest iot té un motor dièsel de quatre cilindres Beta Marine de 43 CV amb una caixa de canvis tecno drive (2:1) instal·lat el 2017. El motor es troba sota el terra de la cabina i ha completat 385 hores a partir del 17 de maig de 2021. Transmissió de l’eix a una hèlix Axiom de 3 pales de bronze. Servei complet del motor maig de 2021, inclòs oli, filtre d’oli, filtre de combustible, filtre d’aire, corretges de l’alternador, impulsor de la bomba d’aigua, nivell de la caixa de canvis i nivell de comprovació. Flux anticongelant i renovat hivern 2020/21. Dipòsit de combustible d’acer inoxidable nou el 2017 amb una capacitat de 240 litres. El motor navegarà a 6 nusos amb una velocitat màxima de 8,5. L’empenta de proa Sidepower de 7 CV es va instal·lar el 2019 pel propietari actual.

Història i construcció:

Ollie Enderlein, un dels principals dissenyadors suecs de iots d’elefants dels anys 60, va dissenyar el iot Rasmus 35 Entre 1967 i 1978 es van fabricar set-cents seixanta iots. El nom “Rasmus” és el déu dels vents a Alemanya. El disseny del Rasmus 35 estava molt avançat al seu temps. Va ser el primer iot de vela del món amb parabrisa, la qual cosa feia que la seva cabina central estava molt ben protegida tot mantenint les seves línies elegants. Aquest va ser, de fet, el projecte del concepte Hallberg-Rassy.

Els dos primers Rasmus van ser construïts íntegrament amb caoba, cadascun trigant un any a construir-se. El casc i la superestructura estaven fets de GRP del casc número tres.

El Rasmus 35 també té un motor potent. Aquests punts crítics essencials i les línies atemporals fan que aquest iot encara sigui agradable avui. És un clàssic atemporal i serà tan atractiva d’aquí a dècades. En altres paraules, aquest és un autèntic Halberg Rassy.

L’actual propietari ha continuat amb aquesta restauració però ha de vendre per problemes de salut. Val la pena veure-ho si us agraden els iots tradicionals de quilla llarga.

Ven el teu vaixell amb nosaltres

Si us plau, parleu amb nosaltres si esteu pensant en vendre un vaixell de motor o un iot . Treballem sense venda, sense comissions. Així que si no venem el seu vaixell a temps, vostè decideix que no ens pagarà res. Estem orgullosos del Pàgina de testimonis . Ells són comentaris genuïns de compradors i venedors de vaixells. Les comissions del nostre Yacht Broker són les més baixes d’Espanya perquè formem part de molts Brokers Professionals. Comprem el nostre màrqueting a granel i obtenim grans ofertes a l’espai de màrqueting del lloc web que us podem transmetre (el venedor) reduint les comissions. Visiteu la nostra pàgina de venda d’embarcacions. Trobaràs que tenim Barques a la venda en totes les franges de preus.


Vaixells en venda

Iot Hallberg Rassy 45 venut

Hallberg Rassy 45, un iot amb classe, s’ha venut.

El fabricant de vaixells Hallberg Rassy és un nom del qual estar orgullós. Molt pocs fabricants tenen tanta reputació per construir iots de qualitat que naveguen pel món sense esforç un any després. Kum, el iot Hallberg Rassy 45 es va construir el 1991. Requereix una mica de treball a la coberta de teca, però a sota, el seu estat és excepcional. Per a un iot de 30 anys, tot el que podem dir és que això reflecteix la cura amorosa dels seus dos propietaris des de nou. L’actual propietari la va comprar el 1996. Malauradament va fer servir el iot amb poca freqüència, quedant-se sempre a la costa espanyola. Aquest Hallberg Rassy mai s’ha utilitzat per al lloguer.
Es tracta d’una venda molt reticent per part del propietari, que acompanyarà cada visualització. Les ofertes es consideraran exclusivament a través de Network Yacht Brokers.


Volvo Penta TAMD 31D 70 Kw / 95 CV. Motor turbodièsel d’injecció directa de 4 cilindres. Té dos alternadors que funcionen amb un sistema dividit de 24 i 12 volts. Alternador número u 24 volts: 60 amperes. Alternador número dos de 12 volts: 60 amperes. Un eix d’hèlix convencional d’acer inoxidable està ben protegit dins del disseny del casc.


Un pal d’enrotllament de Selden permet fer esculls amb una sola mà mitjançant el sistema Winch amb línies conduïdes de nou a la cabina.
Torns Harken 3C Genoa + vela de proa Harken 2C i sis cabrestants Lewmar auto-tailing. El Winch principal és un Lewmar 44 CEST.
el seu Hallberg Rassey té un Hydraulic Backstay Navtec
Té un Spinnaker Triradial 1,5 OZ, Carlsen
i 2 bastons de Spinnaker.

Vela Major enrotllable PLANAS (només quatre anys)
Gènova PLANAS (dos anys i en excel·lent estat)
El Spinnaker asimètric va servir molt poc.
El propietari diu que l’aparell està en bon estat, ja que el vaixell no va navegar gaire. És original i ha estat revisat per un aparell professional. Potser ha arribat el moment de substituir l’aparell dempeus.
2 Molinet elèctric 1 davantera Lofran Albatros 1500 W i un de popa faciliten la vida quan cal.Àncora de 20 kg. 44 KGS (CQR 34 KGS) Àncora
40 m de cadena 12 mm
Dutxa a la plataforma de bany
Dipòsit de gasoil addicional 400 litres en total 100 litres últim antifouling maig 2018

Ven el teu vaixell amb nosaltres

Si us plau, digueu-nos si esteu pensant en vendre un vaixell de motor o un iot. Treballem sense venda, no, amb tarifa. Així que si no venem el seu vaixell a temps, vostè decideix que no ens pagarà res. Estem orgullosos de la pàgina de Testimonis ; són comentaris genuïns de compradors i venedors de vaixells. Les comissions del nostre Yacht Broker són les més baixes d’Espanya perquè formem part d’un gran grup de Brokers Professionals. Comprem el nostre màrqueting a granel i obtenim grans ofertes a l’espai de màrqueting del lloc web que us podem transmetre (el venedor) mitjançant comissions reduïdes. Visiteu la nostra pàgina de venda d’embarcacions; Tenim embarcacions a la venda en totes les franges de preus.Iot Halberg Rassey en venda a Barcelona

Iot Galley Halberg Rassey en venda a Barcelona

Iot lateral Halberg Rassey en venda a Barcelona


Marina Vela Barcelona Espanya

Marina Vela una ubicació única vora el mar

Situat a pocs minuts del centre de la ciutat de Barcelona, ​​​​Marina Vela Barcelona Espanya té una ubicació única i privilegiada vora el mar. El Port esportiu disposa de 130 amarratges per a embarcacions i iots amb una eslora de 12 a 90 metres. Els residents gaudeixen d’una excel·lent experiència gastronòmica, d’oci i comercial. El Port esportiu està envoltat d’instal·lacions de primera qualitat com l’Hotel W Barcelona, ​​centres esportius i serveis centrats en la nàutica d’esbarjo. Ella és al costat de les zones de navegació més populars de Barcelona, ​​com la Costa Brava, les Illes Balears i la Costa Blava. El passeig marítim del centre de la ciutat de Barcelona disposa d’un servei de seguretat les 24 hores del dia i la privadesa absoluta dels clients en zones d’accés exclusiu.

Hotel W Barcelona

Dissenyat per l’arquitecte de classe mundial Ricardo Bofill, W Barcelona va obrir les seves portes l’any 2009. L’hotel Marriott Group, de 5 estrelles, també és conegut localment com a Hotel Vela (Sail Hotel); s’assembla a l’aspecte de Burj Al Arab a Dubai, Emirats Àrabs Units. Situats a primera línia de platja, al llarg del famós passeig marítim de la Barceloneta, les 473 habitacions i suites de luxe de l’hotel ofereixen vistes panoràmiques sobre aquesta ciutat i el Mediterrani.
El centre de negocis WIRED, situat a l’interior de l’hotel, ofereix instal·lacions excepcionals per a reunions, inclosa la secretaria i el suport tècnic per a cada funció.

L’hotel de cinc estrelles disposa d’un bar

al terrat, un spa i gimnàs, piscines cobertes i exteriors, terrasses, platges, restaurants, sales de ball i altres instal·lacions agrupades sota una plataforma de terrasses. El restaurant de l’hotel està dirigit pel xef amb estrella Michelin Carles Abellán.
Combinant especialitats locals i internacionals amb les millors vistes de Barcelona i el mar Mediterrani, The W Hotel garanteix una experiència espectacular.

Centre Nàutic de Barcelona

Marina Vela Barcelona Espanya us ofereix la seva drassana privada, Barcelona Nautic Center. El pati, antigament Northwind Yacht Manufacturers , es troba a només 50 metres de l’entrada del port. Northwind Boat Builders tenia una excel·lent reputació per construir iots de totes les mides.

Es tracta d’un port esportiu molt segur, complementant els serveis disponibles. Això s’especialitza en la reparació i reacondicionament d’embarcacions a motor i vela i ofereix als seus clients una àmplia gamma de serveis. El dic sec disposa d’un travel lift de 160 tones, una superfície de terra sec de 14.000 m2 i un magatzem de 600 m2 per a obres interiors. A més, ofereix un moll de 70 metres per a obres a flota i els millors especialistes per atendre totes les necessitats de manteniment i reparació de les embarcacions. Per acord especial, les embarcacions a partir de 30 metres, amarrades a Marina Vela, poden omplir els seus dipòsits a través d’un nou sistema d’avituallament directament a l’atracada.

Marina Vela Barcelona Espanya Serveis gastronòmics

Moltes empreses del sector marítim han instal·lat la seva seu a Marina Vela. Els serveis gastronòmics de Marina estan pensats per gaudir de les teves vetllades amb amics i familiars amb vistes al mar. Hi ha tres ambients diferents: el Velissima, el Càmping Mar i el Port Vela. Entre els negocis i marques que trobareu a Marina Vela hi ha la BCN Marine Store. Marques com Sealine, EVO Yachts o la companyia de vela més antiga i prestigiosa del món, Ratsey & Lapthorn,també estan presents a la Marina.

Si us plau, parleu amb nosaltres si esteu pensant en vendre un vaixell de motor o un iot . Treballem sense venda, no, amb tarifa. Així que si no venem el teu vaixell, tu decideixes que no ens pagaràs res. Estem orgullosos de la pàgina de Testimonis ; són comentaris genuïns de compradors i venedors de vaixells. Les comissions del nostre Yacht Broker són les més baixes d’Espanya perquè formem part d’un gran grup de Brokers Professionals. Comprem el nostre màrqueting a granel i obtenim grans ofertes a l’espai de màrqueting del lloc web que us podem transmetre (el venedor) reduint les comissions. Visiteu la nostra pàgina de venda d’embarcacions. Trobaràs que tenim Barques a la venda en totes les franges de preus.

Hotel W Marina Vela Barcelona Espanya atracada marinamirant per la marina vela amb el Barcelona Hotel W al fons

Informació d'embarcacions

Northwind Yachts Barcelona

Famous boatyard in the centre of Barcelona

Northwind Yachts’ famous boatyard was in the middle of Barcelona, Spain. The yard was once the proud producer of globetrotting yachts, and the boatyard remains a very usable space. Thankfully it is developing into a yacht repair yard which is an excellent use of this once fantastic facility.
Northwind’s old yard includes a fully equipped production hall measuring 60m in length x 30m wide x 23m high, offering unprecedented access to the Mediterranean Sea. An external esplanade measuring close to 12,000 square metres is also available for repairs and refit works and is now part of the Port Vela Marina development. Northwind Yachts had already sold its northern hall to the Barcelona World Race Foundation.

Shipyard repair and refit activities

North Wind Yachts Shipyard in Barcelona provides excellent opportunities for yacht construction, repair and refit activities, sales and brokerage through Marina Vela.
Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona (Network BCN) is keen to support Marina Vela in developing the old Northwind’s yard. (Network BCN).
Partner in Network BCN Rob Woodward says, “The site is located a few minutes away from Barcelona’s city centre and 15 minutes from the Barcelona international airport. The shipyard is located at the entrance of Barcelona Harbor, where yachts sailing to the private yachting clubs and marinas of Barcelona pass. This excellent infrastructure, including the “W”-Hotel, must be further developed”.

Please talk to us if you are considering selling a Motor Boat or Yacht. We work on a no-sale no, fee basis. So if we do not sell your boat, you decide you will not pay us anything. We are proud of the Testimonials page; they are genuine comments from boat buyers and sellers. Our Yacht Broker commission charges are the lowest in Spain because we are part of a large group of Profesional Brokers. We buy our marketing in bulk and get great deals on the website marketing space that we can pass on to you (the seller) through reduced commission charges. Visit our boats for sale page; we have Boats for sale in all price ranges.

Northwind Yacht Beautiful Teak DeckNorthwind Yacht Beautiful interior

Vaixells en venda

Oyster 54 Yacht Sold in Barcelona

Globetrotting Oyster 54 Yacht Sold

blue hull Oyster 54 plan seaSailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea lift out of the waterSailing in windy water Oyster 54 Yacht For sale plan seaBoat yard Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea

Lovingly maintained and exceptionally equipped by an owner with care on the globetrotting Yacht. Attention to detail was considered in every aspect of modification. Many of the owner’s upgrades were carried out by the Oyster Yacht factory in Southampton and Ipswich. Technical upgrades included changes to the LED lighting, sound and entertainment systems. Additions include a carbon gangway (passerelle).

This Yacht is presented in superb condition, and this Yacht has to be seen to be appreciated. The interior is finished in American light oak and created with handcrafted joinery. The final finish gives a sense of quality and craftsmanship that one would expect at this level of luxury yacht creation.

The rig is set up for short-handed sailing, offering a rewarding and exciting sailing experience for both skipper and crew.

Berthed in Gibraltar, this beautiful Yacht is ready to sail on her next adventure.

Currently fully winterised and ashore and available for survey inspection of all systems. No known faults exist, and everything is fully functioning. She is European VAT Paid with all papers in order.

General Accommodation Specification  

The accommodation comprises six berths in three cabins (excluding the saloon). The Interior is finished in white oak, supporting the Design concept to be modern yet practical and usable at sea. Features include sculpted fiddles with grab rails, ‘shadow-gap’ joints between panels and Oyster custom-made knobs for all lockers and drawers. In 2018 the teak cabin floor was replaced. Created by Dolphin Sails, Carpets also cover the sole boards in the saloon, galley, and owners’ stateroom. 

Surfaces in the Galley and heads are Avonite and Sandpiper coloured, whereas the headlining is vinylene. She is upholstered with covers in AAlcantaraand Amber glow. Lee screens are available on all berths.

Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea SaloonBunk beds Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan seaSaloon 2 Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan seaMaster cabin bed Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan seaEngine Sailing Yacht Oyster 54 For sale plan sea

A foam-backed vinyl saloon table cover protects the beautiful table wood. Curtains and blind systems are fitted in all cabins. Oceanair ‘Skyscreens’ are also fitted to all deck hatches with flyscreens to all opening hull and coach-roof ports.

Hella 24V fans in cabins and Galley affect a breeze when needed. 

Forward Double Cabin:
 Comprising of Centreline double berth. Hanging locker, shelf and stowage beneath the berth and access to the fore-deck via fore-hatch,

Twin Cabin: To starboard (bunk) with upper and lower berths. The stowage beneath the lower berth has a hanging locker and vanity unit with a drawer.

Foreward Heads:  To port fitted with a PAR Quiet flush electric toilet, washbasin and shower. Mirror, Lockers

Saloon:    L-shaped settee and table to starboard, and seating to port. A fold-over leaf table forms a large dining table when opened or an occasional table in its closed position. A stainless steel book rack in the starboard hull port recess. Locker for bottles, glasses and crockery. Bosch washer/dryer fitted in saloon table pedestal (service 2019) 

The Galley, situated transport, has ample storage. Access to the engine compartment. Oilskin hanging locker
Sinks: Twin stainless
Cooker: Force 10 gimballed stainless steel 4-burner gas cooker with grill and oven.
Microwave: Panasonic Combi oven and grill, new in 2013
Refrigerator: Front-opening stainless steel.
Navigation: To starboard with a forward-facing chart table. Bookrack and drawer. Access to engine room inboard

Owner’s Stateroom:

A large aft cabin with a double berth, slightly offset to port, with a custom high-quality composite foam mattress. Settee and dressing table/desk to starboard. Large hanging locker, plus several other lockers and drawers. En-Suite Heads To starboard with PAR Quiet Flush electric toilet, washbasin, and separate shower stall. Mirror. Lockers.


Hull number:     Oyster 54/01

Hull construction: Hull ‘custom’ laminates comprise a combination of E Glass, Kevlar and CarbonFibre, which offers significant weight savings, strength and stiffness advantages over normal GRP incorporated with balsa core above the waterline for additional strength, stiffness and insulation. Solid laminate below the waterline reinforced with stringers and floors.

Hull finish: Hull painted in Awlgrip Flag Blue with gold cove line and white double boot top lines 

Deck Construction: Moulded in GRP with Balsa Core. The deck finished is finished in teak. She has a self-draining teak-laid cockpit floor, with GRP low profile ‘roll edge’ bulwark.

Keel:  High performance (HPB) with external lead keel bulb

Rudder: Protected skeg-hung rudder

Stern design:  The stern design incorporates a bathing platform trimmed with teak slats and two tteak-filledstainless steel steps to access the stern deck and hot & cold shower.

EURCD  Built to comply with the latest requirements for Category A- Ocean

Engine: Yanmar 4JH4-HTBE 110Hp (81kW) four-cylinder turbo diesel

Propeller:     Gori 3-blade folding type.

Rope Cutter:  Ambassador 

Alternators:   80A 150Ah 150A/24V Mastervolt heavy duty

Generator:    Onan MDKAV 7 Kw 220v 50hZ

Bowthruster:  MaxPower CT 165 24V tunnel bow thruster, including eyebrow on the hull.

Air Conditioning:  220V Cruisair reverses cycle system (cold and hot), comprising 116,000 BTU units. 3 x air conditioning units: owner’s stateroom, saloon, and fore & side cabin Fully Serviced 2018

Watermaker:  Seafresh 204A 220VAC providing 72 litres/hour


Ships Supply:  24V

Remain:     220V 50Hz A.C. ring main with 5 x double, 3-pin Clipsal sockets located as appropriate within the layout  

Other Electrical Sockets:
12V Cigar lighter type socket at chart table

Batteries:     Domestic: 8 x 6V heavy-duty ‘deep-cycle batteries giving 440Ah, new in 2018.
 Engine start: 2 x 75A / 12V giving 150Ah, new in 2019
1 x generator starting, new in 2019

Battery Management
 Mastervolt 220V MASS 24V / 75A charger
Mastervolt Masterlink MICC – battery meter and remote panel
 Mastervolt Alpha Pro regulator
 Emergency Link

Inverter:     220V MASS sine inverter 24/2500

Shorepower:  30A 18m (60′) dockside power cable. Hubbell socket in the transom.
Second 30A shore power lead + 20m extension and socket for air conditioner

Interior Lighting:
 All interior lights from Calibra
PPre-bit-downlight LED chrome-over over reading areas, switchable and dimmable between red & white.
Reading I am reading or each berth.
LED lights under bunks and perimeter of owner’s bed, new in 2018
The LED light in companionway steps, new in 2013
 Automatic door lights to drinks locker and refrigerator
 Flexible chart table lamp switch red/ white LED
LED red/white to galley and chart table

Exterior Lighting:
 2 x LED boom lights over cockpit table, new in 2013
LED Up-lighters on upper and lower spreaders, plus down-lighter on lower spreaders only ( NEW 2019)
Aqua Signal LED navigation lights and steaming light, new in 2013
Aqua Signal deck light
Hella NaviLED Trio tri-colour with anchor light, new in 2017


Fuel:  850 litres approximately ( 187 imp/224 US gallons) in GRP tank

Water: 750 litres approximately ( 165 imp/198 US gallons) in GRP tank

Hot Water:  From an insulated tank of approximately 73 litres ( 16 imp/19 U.S. gallons) heated by the engine’s heat exchange or by thermostatically controlled 220V, 1.25kW immersion heater elements powered by the generator or dockside power.

Pressurised Hot & Cold Water Freshwater System
 Aqua Filter water purifying charcoal filter on galley cold supply.

Holding Tanks: Polypropylene gravity discharge holding tanks x 2, with Wema gauges.


Mast & Rigg Rig-slooploop

 Selden Furling mast, white painted with electric drive to in-mast furling
 Selden solid rod kicker/vang
Hydraulic Holmatro integral backstay adjusted
Folding mast steps x 2 close to the masthead
‘No Strike’ ion dissipators x 2 at the masthead
Inner forestay chainplate and mast fitting fitted for the storm jib.
Standing rigging 1 x 19mm stainless steel Dyform wire
Mast was removed and fully serviced in 2015

Mainsail Furling: Selden

Headsail Furling: Selden Furlex manual headsail furling system

Winches:       Lewmar – self-tailing;

              2 x #65 CEST electric 2-speed primaries

              1 x #46 CST mainsail reefing on mast

              1 x #48 CEST electric mainsheet

              2 x #50 2-speed main and genoa halyard on mast

              2 x #16 CST mainsheet traveller

Spinnaker Gear: 
 Spinnaker pole and rigging attached to the mast. Package includes chainplates, deck fittings, halyard, topping lift, pole lift, single sheet, buy fore guy and all required blocks.

Sails:         By  North Sails

             Mainsail in Dyneema, new in 2014 (hardly used)

             Genoa in Dyneema, new in 2014 (hardly used)

             Fully cleaned by North Sails in 2019, new sails in production to be added by Dolphin Sails

             MPS Cruising Chute with a squeezer



Compasses: S.I. R.S. Major 150mm steering compass

Sailing Instruments:

           Raymarine ST60+, including Speed, Depth, Log and Analogue Wind Speed/Direction

Radar/     Raymarine E120 system at chart table with 4kW radar

Chart Plotter/GPS

           Raymarine E80 repeater mounted in Navpod at the forward end of the cockpit.

Autopilot:   Raymarine ST6002

Windex:    Windex and wind vane at masthead

Navtex:    Furuno NX 300 at chart table, linked to PC

VHF Radio:  Raymarine 240E D-DSC VHF, and additional VHF and speaker at the pedestal, new 2013

SSB Radio:  Icom

Satellite Phone:

           Iridium Extreme 9575 satellite phone, the latest model (serviced 2019 by Iridium) with a docking station and all accessories for a transatlantic passage

           P.C.:        ASA notebook on the cradle in chart table with separate wireless keyboard and mouse. Router to enable fWi-FiWi-F. A fully integrated, marine-grade antenna with a Wi-Fi booster and n integrated USB cable will fit into Yacht. 


Sound System: 

            J.L. Audio, including new speakers in the saloon and cockpit. Fusion CD/DVD/ iPad system, with an upgraded amplifier, 150 Watts per channel for cockpit speakers

Television:   Sony 17″ new in 2019, slides away into the cupboard above the freezer. Status 330 antennae with 12V amplifier for digital T.V. & F.M. radio

Deck Layout and Equipment:

Anchor:     CQR 34Kg main anchor with 100m 12mm chain + 30m warp. Fortress lightweight folding ketch anchor with 10m chain and 50m warp.

Windlass:   Lewmar V4 electric anchor windlass – capstan on deck.Remote-controlled anchor windlass control

Deck Access: Mainship gateway stanchions. Gate to pushpit. Stainless steel folding transom-hung bathing ladder. Socket in top transom rung for passerelle. 

Hatches  Oyster custom drop-down washboard system.Lewmar ally-framed deck hatches. Gebo alloy-framed coaming portlights. Gebo opening hull ports x 8. Lewmar portlight from the cockpit to the Galley.

Please tell us if you are considering selling a Motor Boat or Yacht. We work on a no-sale no, fee basis. So if we do not sell your boat, you decide you will not pay us anything. We are proud of the Testimonials page; they have genuine comments from boat buyers and sellers. Our Yacht Broker commission charges are the lowest in Spain because we are part of a large group of Profesional Brokers. We buy our marketing in bulk and get great deals on the website marketing space that we can pass on to you (the seller) through reduced commission charges. Visit our boats for sale page; we have Boats for sale in all price ranges.

Vaixells en venda

Hanse 411 Yacht sold in the Balearics Islands

Hanse 411 Yacht Sold

Hanse Yacht For SaleL shape galley boat for saleHelm Hanse 411 yacht for sale

Based in Spain, our Hanse 411 Yacht for sale is ready to sail away. Berthed in the Balearics viewings are by ap

appointment through Network Yacht Brokers.

This Hanse 411 Yacht will undergo a Spanish safety compliance inspection due in May 2021.

The inspection comprises an independent survey to lift out the water with all mandatory equipment tested.

Find more boats for sale at Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona.

A 55hp Volvo Penta Diesel engine powers the yacht.

She can easily cruise under the motor at more than six knots. She is the three-cabin version of this popular model. Also, she can sleep up to eight people to accommodate additional crew in the main saloon.

Sell your boat with Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona.

More boats for sale at Network Yacht Brokers are 24 independent companies under one brand working hard to sell your boat.

The network yacht Brokers Group is expanding more into Europe. Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona looks after marketing for the Group and supports new business. Perhaps you already have an existing marine-related company and want to expand sales? You can join our Cooperative.  Network Yacht Brokers will save you money on marketing and drive more customers to your front door. We buy marketing to advertise boats for sale in bulk. Our bulk buying strategy allows us to be more competitive with broker fees than any independent broker.

Vaixells en venda

Bavaria 46 Cruiser Yacht Sold

Bavaria 46 Cruiser Sold by Network Yacht Brokers

Bavaria 46 Cruiser Yacht. She is the four-cabin version offering plenty of space for living aboard. Bavaria was clever in using space, including a bright modern interior. That’s a natural step forward from earlier Bavaria Yachts. Yacht designers intended to gain a very high comfort factor when designing this beautiful yacht. The Bavaria 46 Cruising Yacht has an easy to handled sail plan. The decks are clear, making her an absolute pleasure to sail. She has a surprisingly good turn of speed.

Bavaria 46 Yacht
Bavaria 46 Cruiser Yacht For Sale

This Bavarian 46 underwent an extensive refit in recent years, including but not limited to new standing rigging in 2013 and a new anchor and chain in 2020. The dinghy and liferaft were replaced in 2018, and she had a new windlass in 2015. Topping all that off was the replacement of the galley oven in 2015.


Bavaria 46 YachtBavaria 46 Yacht For Sale Saloon aft cabin

ACCOMMODATION, Bavaria 46 Yacht

  • Berths-doubles/singles: 3 & 1
  •  Cabins: 4
  • Headroom: 2m
  • New Upholstery, Mattress, and Curtains in 2016
  • Chart Table
  • Saloon Table
  • Hanging Locker(s)
  • Wet Locker(s)
  • Heads: 2
  • Toilet Type: Manual
  • 2 Burner Hob
  • New oven in 2015
  • Grill
  • Refrigerator: 2x Electric + ice-esky built-in cockpit Cockpit table
  • New water pressure pump in 2020
  • The hot water system (Helios) replaced in 2016
  • Replacement of door locks in 2016
  • The Interior vanished in the saloon and cabins in 2016
  • Replaced DVD player: CD Player (New 2019)
  • New wardrobe doors in 2020
  • Charts included
  • Cutlery and Crockery are included
  • Blankets & Linens


  • Length Over All: 14.4O m
  • Length of the Water Line: 12.22 m
  • Beam: 4.35 m
  • Draft: 1.85 m fin keel
  • Displacement: 11.000 kgs
  • Standing Headroom: 2 m
  • Sail area: 93.74 MSq


  • Builder: Bavaria Yachts (GERMANY)
  • Model: 46 Cruiser Yacht 
  • Passenger capacity: 10
  • Hull colour: White
  • Hull/keel Formation: Fin
  • Rudder Type: Spade
  • Steering Type: Twin Wheels
  • Overhaul of the Steering Wheels was in 2015
  • Deck materials: GRP & Teak in the Cockpit
  • Fuel capacity: 190 L
  • Water capacity: 460 L


  • Main engine manufacturer: Volvo Penta
  • Main engine power: 55 hp
  •  The engine and gearbox were overhauled in 2015
  • Drive Type: Shaft
  • Propeller Type: 3 Blade New 2016
  • Cooling: Fresh Water
  • Main engine fuel: Diesel
  • Cruising speed: 8 knots
  • Maximum speed: 10 knots


  • Engine battery: 110 AMP
  • Domestic battery: 2 x 140 AMP Green Energy (New 2019)
  • Inverter for small appliances 
  • Shorepower system
  • Shorepower cable


  • Standing Rigging – age: New 2014
  • Running Rigging – age: New 2014
  • Mainsail Reefing: In-Mast
  • Stack-pack / Lazy jacks
  • Furling Headsail


  • Main: In-Mast Sail – New 2020
  • Genoa: Furling Genoa – 2014


  • Primary Anchor: Delta (New 2020)
  • Anchor Chain / Warp: 65m (New 2020)
  • Anchor Windlass: Lofrans Tigres 1500W (New 2015)
  • Swim ladder
  • Cockpit / Deck Shower
  • Cockpit Table
  • Cockpit Lockers
  • Cockpit cushions
  • Passarelle: Stainless Steel & Teak


  • Chart Plotter: GARMIN GPS map 182C
  • GPS: Autohelm
  • Autopilot
  • VHF Radio
  • Log / Speed
  • Wind Instrument


  • Sprayhood
  • Bimini: New Bimini 2015
  • Cockpit Cushions


  • Life raft: 10 PAX New 2018
  • Flares
  • Bilge Pump:1 x Manual
  • Bilge Pumps:2 x Electric


Corredors de iots

Yachts That Sell Fast

Sell a Yacht Fast

Pirate ship boat for sale in a marina Yachts That Sell FastClients often ask me about how quickly a yacht might take to sell. This is a very sensible question but rather complex to answer. However, I can first answer by comparing yachts against powerboats.

In Spain, compared to powerboats, all yachts sell very fast!

Then it starts to get complex. A clue to the difficulty in giving a general answer is found in my answer above (in Spain). To be more precise, along the east coast of Spain near Barcelona, the used yacht market is very buoyant.

Being part of Network Yacht Brokers gives me an insight into European and UK sales. Interestingly some locations are dominated by powerboat sales. It all comes down to the sort of cruising waters you have. A local market does not necessarily drive this. 

People looking for a boat generally look in places where they discover the right sort of boat.

For example, a sailing boat is no good if you don’t have any wind. Some parts of Spain lack decent wind, so powerboat sales dominate.

Boat buyers might have narrowed their search to discover a place with more of the type of boat they are looking for.

jeanneau yachts factory Yachts That Sell FastLet me explain the thinking behind the statement above. For example, let’s take the Hamble in the UK. This is a place where buyers can find every type of boat. However, if I was interested in buying a racing yacht, the Hamble in England might be a good starting point to investigate racing yachts. The Hamble is the centre of the UK Marine industry and where many companies support sailing as a sport. On the other hand, if I was looking to purchase a superyacht, I might contact Yach Brokers along the southern French coast in or around Monaco.

International Boat Buyers

Shortly after moving from the UK to Barcelona in Spain, we opened a brokerage office in Port Ginesta, close to Barcelona International Airport. Thirty years in the industry and more than twenty years as a Yacht Broker led me to believe Barcelona was a place that had lots of boats for me to sell.

American FlagWe hadn’t been open for business long in Spain when an enquiry came in from North America. I was fascinated by a young Canadian couple’s mindset. They inquired about a 15-metre sailing yacht we had just put for sale on brokerage in Barcelona. They planned to fly to Barcelona (they said it looked like an easy place to get to with lots of boats). They would buy a one-way ticket and sail the yacht back to Canada after first learning to sail in the Mediterranean, where sailing was easy. Wow, the logic was astonishing. Look at the Globe and the Mediterainina was nothing more than a big lake. Plenty of places to visit. Perhaps they would spend a summer in Europe before crossing the ocean. Put that way, It sounds fantastic!

You might think the above was unusual. We sold two 15-metre yachts of the same brand that year that went to Canada. Several buyers came from America, Mexico, and Venezuela. We get many enquiries from Australia where individuals have similar ideas. If you sell a globetrotting yacht in Northern Europe, Barcelona is the place to take it.

What is the fastest-selling used boat brand? Yachts That Sell Fast

Amel Yacht Table with boles Port Ginesta Yachts That Sell Fast
Amel yacht gimballed soup bowl.

I believe “Amel”  is the fastest-selling used boat brand”. Perhaps you thought I would say Bavaria, Jeanneau or Beneteau? Indeed they sell in large numbers, but buyers have thousands of yachts to choose from, so competition for an individual boat sale is intense.

In 2021 we are discovering that some Globetrotting brands, such as Amel, have increased in value. The global pandemic hit factory production in 2020, and sailboats became more difficult to find in the second-hand market. Perhaps more people are looking to escape the humdrum of everyday life and take to the sea. As a yacht broker in Barcelona, Spain, we have yachts that have seen sales increase again this year. Perhaps it’s time for you to think about a sailing adventure.

Visit our post: Before buying a yacht, visit the About Us page.


Corredors de iots

Before You buy a Yacht

I am choosing a Yacht to buy.

The choice of yachts in a yard Before You buy a Yacht
So Many Keel Shape And Hull Shapes

This is a big subject. I have been in the industry for almost 30 years. I have acquired lots of knowledge that I am happy to pass on to you. You will make your own decision about what Yacht to buy. I hope the information helps you make the right decision before you buy a Yacht.

Having sailed in many parts of the world, I am a very experienced sailor. I have never crossed an ocean under sail and do not wish to do so.

Before You Buy A Yacht

modern yacht keels Before You buy a Yacht
Modern Hull And Keel Shapes

Ask yourself this question. What sort of sailing am I going to do? You could ask how long a piece of string is, or I haven’t decided yet.

If you are at that point in an adventure to get into boating, this is an excellent place for me to make my first statement.  Let’s start with one of my golden rules.

Never buy a boat that you cannot sell quickly (unless doing so is part of a master plan). See my post, “yachts that sell fast”.

A lucky few, who do not need to count the cost of a yacht, may buy a classic yacht, spending thousands, even millions restoring it and perhaps reconstructing a classic yacht using ultra-modern techniques.  I understand that mindset. Sorry, this blog is incomplete for you, but I can chat about such a project.

For the rest of us, a balance of hard-earned cash and a desire to buy the biggest Yacht within a budget will likely be a primary consideration when buying a yacht. In the following posts, I will explain the advantages of different yachts in simple terms. I aim to help you avoid buying the wrong Yacht.

Hull shapes

Long keel 

Fjord III German Frers
Classic Yacht Long Keel

Ask a schoolboy to draw the shape of a yacht out of the water. He will probably produce a drawing of a Classic Long Keel Yacht. They have a beautiful shape, solid and solid, but they are expensive to produce.

An adequately proportioned long keel yacht is a dream to sail in a straight line. She will be a wet ride as she cuts through the waves. Occasionally, in the short sea, she will take a wave the length of her deck. Set the sails correctly, though, and you are unlikely ever to feel worried about the wind and sea power. A long keel yacht is designed to go in a straight line for hundreds of miles; she will do this very well—practically a go-anywhere time,e yacht. If you are considering a liveaboard, this type of yacht shape should be on your radar.

Disadvantages of a long keel

Not the best keel shape if you are thinking of sailing in confined waters. You might need to back the jib in light winds to speed up a tack. This is fun at first but becomes tiresome as an everyday routine. If you miss the tack in confined waters and are in a rocky place or on a falling tide, then you might get into trouble. As a comparison, a modern fin keel yacht will tack effortlessly with virtually no wind, provided she is moving in the water.

Long keel a lovely shape
Safe in a Long Keel Yacht

I remember my many attempts to tackle the Menai Strait in North Wales on our first proper Yacht (my first boating love). She was a long keel ketch called Kuan Yin. I could quickly write a book based on the pleasure she gave my family and me. We had many adventures in the Irish Sea for several years. Only our inexperience occasionally puts us in danger. Kuan Yin never let us down.  I would love to know how she is now, almost twenty-five years after I sold her (I still feel the pain).

Long Keel Summary,

If you buy a long keel yacht, You will have a tricky boat to sail. A long keel hull shape will appeal to an individual who wants to live aboard or sail in all weather. She will provide you with a strong and stable platform. Unfortunately, a long keel yacht is slow compared to a modern fin and skeg or fin and spade hull shape yacht. Indeed, a long keel yacht is not easy to sail single-handedly. Perhaps not the best-suited Yacht for a small marina where you might need to reverse into a berth. A long keel yacht will not go backwards in a straight line.

Fin and Rudder Skeg

Spade rudder with skeg
Spade with Skeg supporting the rudder

A superb balance between a lightweight fin and a long keel. An encapsulated fin keel combines the strength of a long keel, offering rudder protection if combined with a skeg. Generally, if a rudder, this Yacht is most likely considered a globetrotter skeg design and includes an encapsulated fin keel, this Yachtthe wet ride you get with a long keel yacht, as she will not be as heavy. She will not be designed to sit on the surface; therefore is unlikely to slam when in short seas.



Disadvantages of a fin and skeg

Expensive to build and generally not as fast as a fin and spade rudder hull shape through the water.

Fin and Skeg Summary (encapsulated fin-keel).

Some of the best globetrotting yachts are designed around the Fin and Skeg profile. Amel is only one of the fantastic yacht manufacturers that comes to mind when thinking about superb sailing yachts. Quite simplyIf type of Yacht will circumnavigate the globe many times without stopping for a breath!

Fin Keel Yacht with Spade Rudder

Thousands of Fin and Spade Rudder Yachts came off a boat production line in the last twenty years. With no sign of slowing production, this configuration makes a high-speed yacht compared to conventional modern yacht keelshull shapes. Most fin and spade rudder yachts have a bolted-on keel. A bolt-on configuration is comparatively cheap to produce, and it’s fair to say this has revolutionised yachting over the last twenty-five years.

The computer-aided hull design also helps acquire a more incredible downwind speed. Hull shapes have evolved in recent years, resulting in much wider cockpits. The simple yet brilliant idea of installing a twin helm has further enabled the shape of a modern yacht to change over the years. A widening hull stern makes a yacht much more buoyant, making it an even faster boat. Conventional racing yachts generally go for a fin and spade keel set-up.

Disadvantages of a bolted-on keel

Severe damage to a hull can happen if an underwater collision between a bolted-on keel and a solid object occurs. You might get away with no damage if you get a can gradually sloping sandbank, but if you hit a rock at some speed, you run the risk of risk Yacht. Fin keel yachts cross the oceans without problems, but accidents have happened where objects have been struck far out to sea, causing severe problems. An underwater collision can seriously damage any yacht.