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Boat for Sale Barcelona

We have boats for sale at Network Yacht Brokers waiting for you.

This post by Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona will bring you up to speed with last season’s events and offer a personal perspective on the current boats for sale Spanish Yacht and Boat market.

Covid restrictions during 2020.lovely sunset barcelona 55 Boats for Sale

Despite steady boat buyers, we have seen fewer international boat owners this year. Some people have been brave and relied on our walk-around detailed video before making a final buying offer. Others have ignored travel advice and found a way to get to Spain. Interesting to note that Spanish buyers have been out in force looking at boats for sale this year despite the pandemic.

Boat for sale in Barcelona.

When travel restrictions get lifted, we are in a unique geographical position. Our buyers will once again travel the globe to visit Barcelona. We sold some boats that left for America, and it is worth noting that we expect to open our first Network Yacht Brokers office in the USA very soon.

It certainly seems that where there is a boat for sale, a buyer will find it thanks to our incredible marketing system. That same system has been the focal point of considerable interest across the water. I will keep you posted as things develop.

New Network Yacht Brokers Offices.

Despite Covid, our Group has grown. In one year, we opened six new Network Yacht Brokers offices. The offices are in Dover Kent, Gosport, Portsmouth, Bristol, Cows Isle of White, and East Anglia. By pushing forward with our plans to expand our Group, we will bring you the best boats and yachts for sale from around Europe. Our appeal goes out to an international boat buyers market.

Sophisticated marketing tools sell boats.

Once upon a time, we would gather and plan three months of magazine advertising. We were always rushing to get photographs developed and sent to publishers. That was almost thirty-five years ago when “boats for sale” could be a shipwreck. We still sell old boats, and some need lots of refurbishment, but GRP has generally taken over the leisure markets.

Don’t misunderstand. Aluminium and Steel will always have a place in marine applications but are becoming even more expensive to construct and less prevalent in the marketplace.

Whatever material it’s made from, we will find a buyer If you have a “boat for sale” on our system. A boat placed on our sale system is exported automatically to multiple specialist web platforms. Buyers travel worldwide to visit our boats safely in the Knowledge that our Brokers are professional and operate from within marina locations. Our sophisticated computerised sharing system allows our brokers to reach all parts of the globe. A buyer can find it advertised within a few hours of listing a boat or yacht for sale.

It is a point to remember that no matter how sophisticated systems are, real people sell boats and can never be replaced.

Barcelona a Great City to visit

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Weather Forecast Barcelona Best Time To Visit

Best Time to Visit Barcelona.

Compared to many other places globally, have you ever wondered why Weather Forecast Barcelona is often inaccurate? How can it be so in this day and age? So when is the best time to visit?

A straightforward answer to all weather-related questions for Barcelona is impossible; the subject is vast, and my knowledge is limited. However, I am happy to share some of my observations as a sailor living in Barcelona for several years. I hope my experience answers your basic questions on the subject.  

“Google”. “Weather Forcast Barcelona.” or “weather forecast Barcelona best time to visit.”

I can answer that general weather question if it refers to late spring or early summer. ” The Weather in Barcelona is amazing“! Any other time apart from mid-summer, when it’s hot hot hot, is excellent! The weather forecast for Barcelona and the surrounding area is incredibly complex, so change your “Google” question to  “Weather Forcast Barcelona City Centre” (or district). This will work better as It’s impossible to generalise all areas in Barcelona.


lovely sunset barcelona 55 Weather Forecast Barcelona

A few basics might help you understand my point.

When discussing the Weather forecast in Barcelona, we should consider this a general statement covering an area of more than 100 kilometres. Only in summer can a forecast be nearly correct for every Barcelona area.

More about weather forecasting in Barcelona.

Long summer days when weather systems follow a regular pattern in Spain are not particularly interesting. Hot summers on the beach anywhere in Catalonia can be enjoyed and predicted by everyone. Winter weather in Barcelona and surrounding areas is fascinating. To make a point in this post, let’s skip summer forecasting. 

Autumn in Barcelona.

At the end of summer, the weather transforms overnight from very settled and predictable to often violent, with a much more complex mood as the first snow falls across the Pyrenees. After the snow, winds and storms across the area are massively affected by ice-cold air descending from the mountains. That air crashes into the warm air rising from the Mediterranean Sea. The winds are called mistral and affect many parts of southern France. They play havoc with incoming weather systems even during the summer months, as the air on the top of the mountains is always chilled. Roses in Northern Spain and the coast road in France near Spain’s border often have strong wind warnings even when the weather is relatively calm a few miles away.

September 2020 saw headlines appearing announcing the onset of early snow in the Pyrenees, a sure sign of a long cold winter in Barcelona.

“Early snowfall during September 2020 across French mountain ranges.”

Storm in Barcelona Weather best time to visitSnow has fallen in the Pyrenees very early this year, causing temperatures to drop significantly, leaving a “remarkable” amount of snow forcing some roads to close.”

So, we can blame the early snow in the Pyrenees for the long cold winter in Barcelona! It might be possible to correctly track the weather events that triggered this unpredicted snowfall in September 2020. Indeed one might even look deeper and consider the weather patterns associated with El Niño and global warming.

What is El Niño?

El Niño is the name given to the warm phase of the Global Southern Temperature Oscillation associated with a warm ocean water band. Simply put, El Niño is a cycle of warm and cold sea surface temperatures (Warm water develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific). 

As a result of the El Niño effect, all places on Earth have varied winters every few years. All other factors, including global warming, must be dropped into the weather mixing pot, resulting in an ever-changing and complex subject exaggerated greatly by local sea temperatures.

Local conditions are affected by the sea.

Let’s look at the bigger picture again, affecting the Mediterranean Sea. We all know that the oceans are affected by the moon’s daily gravitational pull. This effect is as it passes over us, and to a lesser degree, the sun’s track relating to the moon. Before you think I have lost the plot, please stay with me. We will get back to Barcelona’s local weather in a moment! 

I am sure you know the sun and moon have little effect on tidal flows in the Mediterranean. This lack of tidal flow in the Mediterranean happens because the land is less attracted to the sun or moon. Therefore, as we do not have such a tidal water flow in the Mediterranean, temperatures remain much more contained (The water stays warmer for longer). 

When the warm Mediterranean Sea air rises towards the land, it meets Icy cold air falling from the fresh snow on the Pyranise Mountains. The energy created from this event creates localised storms, particularly over Barcelona and Spain’s lowlands.  

Global weather systems

High and low-pressure weather systems generally formed over the oceans travel the globe. As they circulate, powerful low-pressure forces bully dominant high-pressure systems. When all forces are mixed with local wind, forecasting must be very localised to be accurate at a given time.  

Barcelona is not unique, but temperatures and weather vary massively in populated local districts.  

To summarise, when considering a forecast request to “Google”. In the winter months for Barcelona, consider asking a more localised question. Remember, in Castelldefels or Sitges (south of the city centre), the weather can differ significantly from that found in Barcelona’s centre. Varied weather is one of the attractions of sailing in the area. Generally, we have excellent wind and warm days. Severe storms at sea usually happen during the winter months and are dangerous. If you plan to sail during the winter months in the Mediterranean, please look out for rapidly developing thunderstorms. Severe weather along coastal areas in Catalonia can quickly develop occasionally; forecasting is wrong.

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Liveaboard a Boat

Liveaboard a boat in a marina

I got you to question your ability to survive living on a boat in my first blog, “living on a boat“. I will add more detail to the questions I raised in all parts of the blogs later, but for now, I offer further thoughts in this blog I am calling Liveaboard.

Location Location Location

Port Ginesta Marina from droneSome say the marketing phrase “location location location” is used to death in the property world. Is it? Your business and home location are critical to success and happiness; moving is never straightforward and can prove financially crippling once you commit to a mortgage or rental contract.
Not being in the same place forever is perhaps not a consideration if you’re a Liveaboard; slip the lines, and you are off! Indeed this will be one of the factors you must consider if you’re getting out of the rat race. However, the reality is this; most people don’t move when they find a place they like. Generally, people put down roots and make a living in the local community. So your choice of location is critical in much the same way as if you were buying or renting a conventional home.

Up sticks and moves are always a pain, especially if you are a liveaboard. If you are already liveaboard specific questions about your following location will be running through your mind before you commit. Do I tell the new Marina I am a Liveaboard? Read my comments about registering as a Marina Liveaboard in my first blog Living on a Boat.

If you find a lovely Marina that ticks most of your boxes, try it for a while and learn from your mistakes.

Don’t get a horrible place in the Marina.

A challenge you will have to work on is whereabouts in a Marina will be happy.Yard Port Ginesta
A great Marina location is critical to your comfort, and you will soon learn where not to be based in a Marina. Unfortunately, a less-than-perfect location will undoubtedly be the spot the Marina will first offer you. This position will be in the exact horrible location for all new boat owners. It is true that busy Marinas only have limited space. They spend much time looking after existing tenants who regularly pay berthing accounts.

Paying on time or in advance for your berthing account is vital to the marina operator turning a blind eye if you become a liveaboard. It is undoubtedly the case; nobody wants a scruffy Tennant boat or owner who is always the last to pay his/her Marina bill in the Marina.

If you are moving to a Marina during the summer, a weather location is not your number one concern. If your choice of Marina is to stay in one that appears complete, cunning tactics must be applied to find a perfect location. A full blog will follow tactics that might help you find an excellent spot for your boat, briefly outlined below.

What has worked for me

A busy marina is hard to get into, or at least that’s what you think. Suppose I told you that I have never been refused a berth in a Marina at any time. I have cruised the Mediterranean and the UK extensively for over thirty years as a private individual, professional sailing instructor, and in the past twenty-odd years, as a yacht broker. I organised many cruises in-company, arranging berthing for over twenty visiting boats and yachts to stay in Marinas.

The golden rule is not to make it too hard for the individual offering to help, and remember, a Marina operator who wants your money will work with you from the start to find a perfect location. A little more local knowledge is needed if you arrange flotilla holidays and you want to raft twenty-odd boats, but one thing I learned. In the Marine world, flexibility and goodwill towards each other seem to be common themes that run through this fantastic industry.

Get in touch

If you want to rent a berth in Spain, email us. We will be happy to help and advise.
From our perspective, Port Gineata in Barcelona is a perfect location for us. We have sold and continue to rent many berths in our Marina. Our ideal location is far enough from Barcelona’s centre, so visiting is a treat. This location also gives us the advantage of being near Sitges Marina, one of the prettiest Marina locations in Mainland Spain on the Costa Garraf, about twenty kilometres from Port Ginesta.

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Atracada Marina en lloguer a Espanya

Marina Berth For Rent In Spain

We specialise in offering low-cost Marina Berth for rent in Spain. We will also provide information and help boat owners who want to buy or sell a boat or yacht in Spain. From our base in Port Ginesta Barcelona, well placed to negotiate the best terms for you; we always offer a lower price than the Marina tariff. Special terms are available for commissioning and transporting new and used boats.

About Catalonia

Barcelona is the principal city of Catalonia. Some argue it should be the capital of Spain. Madrid Beach and Port ginesta Marinaholds this City title, but for many years Barcelona has been the financial centre of Spain. Barcelona is also one of the most visited cities in Europe, with visitors coming from all points of the Globe. In the centre of Barcelona, the international language of English is widely spoken. One does not need to travel far from the city to find that the use of English fades and Catalan takes over. Spanish is also widely spoken in the region, but Catalan is the dominant language. Many countries have a dual language, which can be why fewer than other places in Spain learn English.
It is no secret that some Catalonian residents would like to operate independently from Spain. In recent years politics about this subject has held back the natural growth of this intellectual region.

The Costas

Costa Brava runs from the French border past Roses and Gerona to a point just North East of Barcelona. White sandy beautiful beaches adorn all the Costas (Coasts) in Spain, but few rivals the beaches’ beauty in Catalonia. Situated in the North East of Catalonia, the Costa Brava does suffer from a calm northerly wind. Cold air falling from the Pyrenees mountains during winter and spring can test and drive this chilled wind. Strong wind warnings are a feature of the Mistral along the southwest corner of France. The Coast along the Costa Brava is a little rockier than you will find as you progress south past Barcelona. Some of the bays in Costa Brava are beautiful.
Marina Berthing for rent is plentiful, from the mega-resort of Emporia Brava close to Roses to the simple Catalan marina with just a few local fishing boats.

Costa Del Maresme

Least well known and no doubt because Barcelona sits in this region and dominates the language. Relatively flatter and slightly industrialised, Costa Del Maresme has many first-class beaches and resorts. Marinas in Barcelona’s centre are very popular but more challenging than town locations. Pricing from one Marina to another varies a great deal. English is not always understood and can often result in a feeling that you’re not wanted through a phone inquiry.

Costa Garaf

Our home base, Port Ginesta, is the biggest marina in Catalonia, with over 1500 marina berths for rent, so you can always be sure of a warm welcome. Port Ginesta has a beach within the Marina complex, locally known as the private beach. This beach is small but is open to the public. Tucked away in the southern corner of Port Ginesta, it offers a degree of seclusion that the main beach of Casteldefells cannot give. It’s also travelling a little further along the coast to Sitges where more great beaches can be found.


The main beach in Castelldefels runs from Poort Ginesta Marina entrance for about 6 kilometres. A wide cycle path runs along the entire length of the beach. Apart from a short section, the cycle path is hidden from the road. Thousands of people visit the beach daily in the summer, and hundreds enjoy windsurfing. Next to the entrance of Port Ginesta, you can find a section of the sea for surfing where perfect waves crash onto the sandy beach. In the summer months, beach bars keep visitors refreshed and fed. All sorts of sports are available on Castelldefels Beach, from volleyball, windsurfing, dingy and cat sailing, or simply swimming in the warm waters of the Mediterranean.

Informació d'embarcacions

Flag registration Yachting and Boating

Flag Registration for a boat.

Flag registration yachting and boating, the question is, are you flying a legal flag on your yacht? Perhaps the first question to ask yourself is, “Do I have a passport that matches the flag I fly? If the Answer to that question is “yes”, then you are probably ok.

Flag Registration the rules are not clear.

After that, things get a bit foggy! My next question; (aimed at the boating community) Would you sail if a fog was forecasted in your area? As an experienced yachtsman, my answer; I would think twice, especially if I was planning to sail directly into the fog.

That leads me back to my first question. Therefore, at this point, let Spanish Flagme answer the question for you. If you’re a boat owner whose passport does not match your flying flag, “it’s getting foggy, and you could be in shallow water”.

Flag of convenience. It’s all a bit foggy.

You might have a legitimate reason to fly a flag from another country. Perhaps the yacht is owned by a company based in that country? A word about the company-registered Boats and Yachts.

Since the beginning, individuals and companies have used a “flag of convenience.” Let’s call that a bit misty, but I wish to note that I greatly respect legitimate company flag registration.

Again we enter the fog of registration with great caution. Some individuals have perfectly valid reasons for using flag company registration.
Dutch registration rather than sailing under a flag is an example of where the fog becomes worrying. Dutch French flagregistration does not offer the same legal protection as flag registration. The Dutch registration for boats and yachts is merely a register. The Dutch register is a privately owned company operating as a commercial venture; nothing wrong with that or using the register. Therefore, you might be ok if you do not intend to cruise Italy, Portugal, Spain, or outside Europe where the register is not recognised.


Countries do not recognise Dutch Registration.

Most people will not know that the Dutch EU ICP Light Registration is not currently acknowledged under Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish maritime law. If you visit these countries American Flagwith a Dutch-registered vessel, you are sailing into tricky waters.
A new player for Yacht and Boat registrations has been created; it is the Polish register. We have no comments to make about that at this time.

The fog surrounding flag registration, yachting and boating has been around for a long time and will continue. A decent Maritime lawyer or Yacht Broker can act as a good radar. If you are buying or selling a boat, Consider using a Yacht Broker seriously.


Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona

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Charter Companies Evolution after COVID 19

A busy period for boaters in Spain.

Charter Companies Evolution after COVID-19. Against all predictions, summer is becoming a record-breaking period for boaters in Spain.

The coronavirus pandemic has imposed and maintained social distances rule. Charter companies have reported that a yacht charter is an excellent option for tourists wanting to escape. That’s all thanks to the health security provided by the practice of the activity.

According to Cenáutica, the sailing schools in Spain have grown by 18% during the 2020 summer months. Cenáutica expects charters companies to increase by 11%.

In contrast to the global tourism sector, severely affected by Covid-19, recreational boating is experiencing its most active summer in recent years. Cenáutica indicated that renting a pleasure boat is ideal for avoiding the restrictions and crowds on the beaches. 11 % of people will rent a sailboat, a boat or a catamaran for the first time.

Boat sales are increasing too. Despite the coronavirus crisis, which paralyzed stocks between March and May 2020, sales surpassed those of the previous year. Therefore, according to the National Association of Nautical Companies (ANEN) general secretary, Carlos Sanlorenzo, “everything that has been lost cannot be recovered during this year”.

Charter companies ( Barcelona) have benefited from the equation: avoiding crowds, outdoor activity, family atmosphere, and nature contact. Sanlorenzo assures that the summer has brought “a new public that discovers a way of doing tourism and spending the summer through sailing”.

Thus, individual charter companies have modified their routines this summer, establishing bases in ports such as Barcelona to facilitate shipments to the Balearic Islands, avoiding using other transport such as planes. During this summer, the origin of the clients has also changed. Now, customers are people who live near the rental area.
The hole left by foreign tourism, much smaller than that of other years, has been covered by the native, according to the secretary of the Association of Nautical Industries of Catalonia (ADIN), Miquel Garner.

Charter Companies Evolution

For those who want to obtain a nautical qualification, such as the Recreational Boat Skipper (PER), online training to prepare for exams has become the priority option as an alternative to face-to-face classrooms. Despite this, the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine (DGMM) published a resolution on June 22, announcing an extraordinary call for theoretical examinations to obtain the PER. It is a decision adopted by the DGMM to follow the new guidelines
established by the Ministry of Health, limiting the capacity for holding conferences and similar events and giving new opportunities to those blocked by the lockdown.


Barcelona News 01

With Covid19, a lot of questions about the future of the Port of Barcelona had been asked. The first one was, continue or not the environmental initiatives.

Barcelona port

At Network Yacht Broker, we are interested in modernising ports and marinas and preserving the environment.
We will be talking a little about environmental engagement and

The COVID19.

After a considerable debate between members of the World Ports Climate Action Program (WPCAP), they decided to increase and promote new actions “to accelerate the reduction of emissions in the maritime industry to a 50% for 2030”.

The first action is the Dock electrification in each port worldwide, creating a new battery to optimise the dock stair.
The project includes decarbonisation of the Maritimes transport and terminal equipment.

The last project is not the easiest to accelerate implementing the solution of Power to Ship (P2S). In a few words, it consists of facilitating sustainable low carbon fuels at all of the installations.

They also encourage the creation of The Hermitage Museum in The Nova Bocana against the opinion of the “Govern”.New Hermitage Museum
This museum will be in total agreement with the port’s environment, blending culture and navigation just as we like it at Network Yacht Brokers.
The project is for 2022, and 82 million tourists are expected.
The Hermitage Museum of San Petersburg will sponsor 3 exhibitions, and one will be with only new artwork.

If you want more information or to sell your boat, yacht, a vessel in the Port of Barcelona, Sitges, or to move your boat to Port Ginesta, don’t hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and to subscribe on Youtube,

More news on http://www.networkyachtbrokersbarcelona.com


Sitges News

Church and Marina beach in Sitges






















Sitges is a great yachting centre.

We love the town of Sitges at Network Yachts Broker Barcelona. Apart from sailing and boating, we like the culture and art it offers, and it is a pleasure to share the latest information we have with you. 

Usually, in summer, the port of Sitges is filled with music. Events take place outdoors and cater to every taste in music and festival. Time to party in Sitges begins between July and August. Most events are free of charge, including the famous “Festival Concerts de Mitjanit.

The 2019 Concerts de Mitjanit offered a full proposal with different music styles with a special tribute to all-time’s best female voices.

Other festivals and events are listed below: also Barcelona Festival and Fun.

  • The Festival of the Virgen del Carmen, 
  • “La Gran Noche Lírica”, 
  • The Sitges Big Band, short films with the collaboration of the International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.
  • Urban Art Show,

This was possible thanks to Sònia Felip, the Foundation of the Port of Aiguadolç. To her, culture is everyone’s heritage, and she feels it is of utmost importance but also a great joy to bring it closer to the people of the port, boat owners or not.

Unfortunately, this year, the “Concerts de Mitjanit” is suspended for the first time in sixteen years due to the risk of contagion by Covid19. 

The port of Sitges and its Foundation have tried to resist until the last moment to continue celebrating it for another year.

Although they are following government guidelines, the current situation seems to be aggravated, and therefore, it is better to be patient and wait for 2021. They are forced to prioritize and make difficult decisions in these challenging times.

If you want, you can also visit the new “Library of the Port”, where people give a second life to books, which remains open all year round.

We propose other fun and curious plans at Network Yacht Broker Barcelona by the new guidelines. 

Follow us to know what is the Sitge’s summer plan in the next post:


We look forward to answering any queries and giving you information about buying or renting a boat in Stiges with Network Yacht Broker Barcelona.

Today, in Network Yacht Broker Barcelona, we will tell you more about environmental certification. We will speak about Sitges and The Biosphere Destination. 

First of all, what is the Biosphere Destination Certification?

Biosphere Destination is a voluntary and independent certification system based on sustainability and continuous improvement. 

The certification is internationally recognized by the Institute of Responsible Tourism, a non-profit entity supporting UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization. 

It is an excellent reference to international tourism. 

Sitges constantly improves its culture and environment. 

The city of Sitges has successfully supered the audit, and now the new objective of Sitges is to achieve the Gold category.

Therefore, getting to the next level implies that Sitges will adhere to several companies that follow the Biosphere commitment.

Currently, 15 companies have to start the process of joining this 2020. The mayor of Sitges highlights that “it is one more step to be more present” and “the importance of the work between public and private companies.”

Sitges should respect more than 112 objectives to have the Biosphere Destination Certification. The company values if tourism, social and economic policy support for the local community, and improving cultural and environmental heritage. Thanks to the audit, Sitges understood his strengths and opportunities, which will establish a new plan of action for the following year. 

The town hall and its advisers have created a thirty improvement list and eight strength points that must be maintained and further improved.

The most important projects are the Sitges Online Reputation Study which includes concrete measures like a new cleaning contract, encouraging the resident’s recovery task, and maintaining the raft of the “Jardines de Terramar.sustainable sitges

Advisors of Sitges constantly work to improve and sustain the certification, which accredits Stiges as a development model. 

Luís Miguel García (tourism conciliar)

He said it is essential for Sitges to have better private-sector involvement. However, Sitges needs to keep its position as a sustainable tourist destination of international recognition”.

At Network Yacht Broker Barcelona, we think the best way to visit a place like Sitges, following and respecting guidelines, is to travel by boat. It permits visiting different places without taking a car o a plane, booking different hotels, and many other things, as we explain on our web page. 

If you want more information about buying a yacht or yacht charter, follow us on Instagram @NetworkYachtBrokersBarcelona or visit http://www.networkyachtbrokersbarcelona.com.  

We look forward to answering any queries and giving you all the information you want about boats and Sitges. 



Port of Aiguadolç links

Network yacht Broker Barcelona 

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Barcelona festivals and fun in June 2018

What is Barcelona like to visit in June?

Beach In Sitges Festival BarcelonaBarcelona Festivals and Fun June 2018. The summer starts the festival season, making Barcelona Province buzz with activity. June is a great month to be here because it is still not very crowded for most of the month. The hoards arrive at the end of July/August when many Spanish companies close for the holidays. You can still get a table in any excellent restaurant, and the beaches are not yet a sea of colourful parasols. This year, we have had tons of rain already. The surrounding area has had plenty of water, so it is greener and healthier than usual. Now, the sun is well and truly out, and the temperature is up. This time of year usually gives us excellent beach weather, but it´s still cool at night. In Barcelona city, one of the most significant festival events each year is the “Nit de St Joan” on 23-24 June. The festival honours both the birth of St. John the Baptist and the Summer Solstice. This festival does bring in crowds, with around 70,000 people in the city for the weekend. It´s like Bonfire Night and New Year´s Eve rolled into one. Beach bonfires are lit, fireworks are everywhere, and an epic street party rocks until the small hours. Revellers often opt for a midnight swim, an age-old custom representing a ¨Baptismal cleanse¨ (or having fun after a few glasses of cava!). Sitges and Castelldefels have smaller versions of the party for those who don´t want to be among many people in the city.Barcelona festivals and fun june 2018

Music is in everyone´s minds as June is also the start of the music festival season.

Primavera (Spring) Sound is a rock and pop festival at the beginning of June – in its 19th year – with open-air concert stages all over the city. The middle of the month also gives us Sonar – a DJ festival offering a chance to dance in the city´s squares. Live appearances by well-known artists are happening this month at the Festival Jardins de Pedralbes. We will see Simple Minds, Elvis Costello, and Emili Sande, and it´s not unusual for us to have another visit from Tom Jones! Shakira is playing at the Palau St. Jordi. There are often free concerts in the main square at the fascinating miniature village of Poble Espanyol. This is worth visiting to see the miniature version of Spain´s (architectural) greatest hits. At the end of the month is the Gay Pride Parade and festival in Barcelona. A smaller version of this festival has already happened in Sitges. This is a very Palau St Jordi festival Barcelonasocial occasion with several free music events and the opportunity to dress up in wacky costumes for the parade. For a real Catalan experience, go and see the Castellers. This month several of the nearby towns of St. Pere de Ribes or Sant Cugat are hosting the ¨human tower¨ competitions, which run nearly yearly. Try not to think about ¨health and safety¨ while you watch a brave five-year-old child scamper to the top of up to 5 levels of people! About us  / Testimonials / Sell Your Boat / Boats For Sale  / News Posts / Boats For Sale News Post / Yacht For Sale PostsBoat Maintainance Posts / Spain information Posts / Living on a Boat Posts  / Marina Berth for Rent Spain / Yacht Brokers Job Posts / Join Us / Yacht Syndicate / Barcelona
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The destiny of a boat is already planned…

Do you believe in fate? Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43 DS

It is said that our destiny is already planned. Could it be that boats also have their fate mapped out, just the same as people?

This is the story of “Danmark Dream”, a Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43 DS commissioned in 2004 in the UK. The English owner John sailed her over to Portugal after purchase. John and his family enjoyed thirteen years of fun with her on the Portuguese coast and berthed her in Portimäo Marina, Algarve.

When it was time to move on, he decided that her last sailing adventure with the family would be a trip to Barcelona. This gave John the chance of a great trip, a city visit, and, most importantly, to hand her over to Network Yacht Brokers for sale. In June 2017, she arrived in Port Ginesta, Barcelona.

After being on sale for a few months, we found a potential buyer in the UK. Alan was looking for a deck saloon yacht but wavering between going for a 42 or 43 DS. When we showed him “Danmark Dream”, he fell completely in love and decided to buy her.

During the purchase process, Alan told us that he had moved from the UK to Portugal some years before. He enjoys life in the Algarve and has planned to seal his commitment by buying a boat to keep there. John and Alan were surprised and pleased that they shared the same love of sailing in the Algarve as Englishmen abroad.

We successfully brokered the deal

We successfully brokered the deal, and “Danmark Dream” left Barcelona a few weeks ago after some maintenance in Port Ginesta. Believe it or not, Alan’s choice of Portimäo Marina is also her old home. So there she lies again, back in her favourite spot, precisely one year after she left. Is this coincidence or destiny?

After the sale, Alan sent this to us; “Hiya guys, pleased to say that we managed to fix the sail and finally arrived safe and sound in Danmark Dreams home port of Portimäo. She is currently berthed just across the pontoon from her previous home. Thanks again for your help. We are both thrilled with our new boat.”

We are pleased to say that we always try to make our customers happy and satisfied. By providing the best service, we can help our clients with every step of their boat purchase. We see our customers as people buying or selling a boat that can become part of the family, and we love to hear their stories. As well as being professional yacht brokers, we are people too.


Danmark Dream
fate Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 43 DS