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What you need to know before you buy a…

Expensive Extras that are worth paying for

My top ten list of optional extras will add value to a yacht on the used market; here are tips you need to know before you buy a yacht. Some upgrades are expensive but not generally considered essential to a used yacht buyer. See my post before buying a yacht three for expensive factory-fit extras with little value in the used yacht market.

Solar Panels

Solar Panel Arch Boats For sale Spain

As solar and electronic boating equipment becomes more efficient, enhancing the sun’s power when at sea enables more freedom. Sailors love freedom, so solar panels are undoubtedly close to the top of my list of things that enhance the value of a used yacht.

Bow Thruster

Bow thruster on a boat for sale Spain before you buy a yacht

Acquiring manoeuvering skills for a good size yacht, especially around a tiny harbour or marina, takes time. Even a well-practised skipper is glad of a button to press in a time of need. The reality is that unless you move boats regularly, even professional skippers can have difficulties.


Assortment of components boat for sale SpainA modern-quality autopilot is worth its weight in gold (as they say). If you are sailing short-handed, then it is almost essential on a reasonable-size fin keel yacht. I can argue an exception if you sail a long-keel yacht. It is possible to set sails, add a little weather helm and keep on trucking(as they say). Locking the helm will require navigational input over time, but it’s great fun!

Chart Plotter Combined Radar

Chart Plotter Yacht For sale spain

Once upon a time, as plotters became more graphic, skippers would have two plotters, one at the nav table and one on deck. The reality is that little from most leisure sailing is spent below in the chart table. Plotters have become more prominent, brighter and weather resistant, so using them as a glorified sat-nav makes sense. When approaching an unfamiliar harbour, it is very reassuring to glance at the plotter and see your position from a different perspective. Unfortunately, navigation equipment is updated so fast that I would only buy a plotter catered to my needs. I would not spend additional money buying anything electronic because I thought it would enhance the value of my yacht. Next season, a new owner will want to update the latest gadgets.

Electric Winch

Electric winch on a yacht in Spain

One electric winch on the coachroof is enough for most people. It will save you lots of work grinding up or pulling both the main. You can also use it to hoist a buddy, rig up a pully, and recover a dingy or person. One can find all manner of uses for an electric winch on the coach roof. I do not see a need for an electric winch on any yacht smaller than 13 metres.

Folding Propellor

before you buy a yachtI selected reverse when sailing for years to save wear and tear on my yacht gearbox. They said that the components inside the gearbox are fixed and wearing (sounds reasonable) because the prop stops spinning. They also say that a fixed propellor creates less drag than a free-spinning prop (no idea about that). Then I met some people who sailed the Atlantic having to replace a gearbox on a reasonably modern yacht. Selecting reverse to lock the propellor over long periods puts a strain on the gearbox clutch that can cause It to wear out (wow, I never knew that). The solution, if you are concerned, is a folding propellor. It’s a lovely thing to have, and a buyer for your yacht will be happy you invested money in one.

Fresh Water-cooled Engine

Fresh Water Cooled Engine Volvo penta

This one is worth another post. If I had a choice, I would pay a little more for a new water-cooled engine. Link to a post on the subject to follow


Boat Heating

Boat Heating on a boat for sale in Spain

Boats in northern climates can be damp smelly places. A boat heater will not only keep you toasty warm in the evenings. It will drive out dampness and protect your investment.



Air Conditioning

Air conditioning unit on a boat for sale in spainPerhaps the Dyson fan will work well in smaller boats, but Air conditioning with a reverse cycle heat setting will transform the pleasure of sailing when you can hook up to shore supply. Lots of Mediterranean Marinas do not charge for electricity. They see it as part of a package deal. So from the moment you arrive until you depart, you can keep the yacht chilled to a perfect temperature if you are in a marina. Just like heating, Air conditioning will transform your boating experience.

Factory Fitted Generator

Factory fitted generator boat for sale spainBefore you buy a yacht, you must know that ff you plan to spend a lot of time at anchor and are spicing up a new 15-metre-plus yacht, then a factory fit generator might be on your list of extras. It only made my list because I wanted to comment on the difference between fitting a low-cost aftersales unit and a proper factory-integrated unit. A Lot of research is needed if you are going down the generator installation route. In my experience, few companies can save money on a factory-installed unit.


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Before You buy a Yacht

I am choosing a Yacht to buy.

The choice of yachts in a yard Before You buy a Yacht
So Many Keel Shape And Hull Shapes

This is a big subject. I have been in the industry for almost 30 years. I have acquired lots of knowledge that I am happy to pass on to you. You will make your own decision about what Yacht to buy. I hope the information helps you make the right decision before you buy a Yacht.

Having sailed in many parts of the world, I am a very experienced sailor. I have never crossed an ocean under sail and do not wish to do so.

Before You Buy A Yacht

modern yacht keels Before You buy a Yacht
Modern Hull And Keel Shapes

Ask yourself this question. What sort of sailing am I going to do? You could ask how long a piece of string is, or I haven’t decided yet.

If you are at that point in an adventure to get into boating, this is an excellent place for me to make my first statement.  Let’s start with one of my golden rules.

Never buy a boat that you cannot sell quickly (unless doing so is part of a master plan). See my post, “yachts that sell fast”.

A lucky few, who do not need to count the cost of a yacht, may buy a classic yacht, spending thousands, even millions restoring it and perhaps reconstructing a classic yacht using ultra-modern techniques.  I understand that mindset. Sorry, this blog is incomplete for you, but I can chat about such a project.

For the rest of us, a balance of hard-earned cash and a desire to buy the biggest Yacht within a budget will likely be a primary consideration when buying a yacht. In the following posts, I will explain the advantages of different yachts in simple terms. I aim to help you avoid buying the wrong Yacht.

Hull shapes

Long keel 

Fjord III German Frers
Classic Yacht Long Keel

Ask a schoolboy to draw the shape of a yacht out of the water. He will probably produce a drawing of a Classic Long Keel Yacht. They have a beautiful shape, solid and solid, but they are expensive to produce.

An adequately proportioned long keel yacht is a dream to sail in a straight line. She will be a wet ride as she cuts through the waves. Occasionally, in the short sea, she will take a wave the length of her deck. Set the sails correctly, though, and you are unlikely ever to feel worried about the wind and sea power. A long keel yacht is designed to go in a straight line for hundreds of miles; she will do this very well—practically a go-anywhere time,e yacht. If you are considering a liveaboard, this type of yacht shape should be on your radar.

Disadvantages of a long keel

Not the best keel shape if you are thinking of sailing in confined waters. You might need to back the jib in light winds to speed up a tack. This is fun at first but becomes tiresome as an everyday routine. If you miss the tack in confined waters and are in a rocky place or on a falling tide, then you might get into trouble. As a comparison, a modern fin keel yacht will tack effortlessly with virtually no wind, provided she is moving in the water.

Long keel a lovely shape
Safe in a Long Keel Yacht

I remember my many attempts to tackle the Menai Strait in North Wales on our first proper Yacht (my first boating love). She was a long keel ketch called Kuan Yin. I could quickly write a book based on the pleasure she gave my family and me. We had many adventures in the Irish Sea for several years. Only our inexperience occasionally puts us in danger. Kuan Yin never let us down.  I would love to know how she is now, almost twenty-five years after I sold her (I still feel the pain).

Long Keel Summary,

If you buy a long keel yacht, You will have a tricky boat to sail. A long keel hull shape will appeal to an individual who wants to live aboard or sail in all weather. She will provide you with a strong and stable platform. Unfortunately, a long keel yacht is slow compared to a modern fin and skeg or fin and spade hull shape yacht. Indeed, a long keel yacht is not easy to sail single-handedly. Perhaps not the best-suited Yacht for a small marina where you might need to reverse into a berth. A long keel yacht will not go backwards in a straight line.

Fin and Rudder Skeg

Spade rudder with skeg
Spade with Skeg supporting the rudder

A superb balance between a lightweight fin and a long keel. An encapsulated fin keel combines the strength of a long keel, offering rudder protection if combined with a skeg. Generally, if a rudder, this Yacht is most likely considered a globetrotter skeg design and includes an encapsulated fin keel, this Yachtthe wet ride you get with a long keel yacht, as she will not be as heavy. She will not be designed to sit on the surface; therefore is unlikely to slam when in short seas.



Disadvantages of a fin and skeg

Expensive to build and generally not as fast as a fin and spade rudder hull shape through the water.

Fin and Skeg Summary (encapsulated fin-keel).

Some of the best globetrotting yachts are designed around the Fin and Skeg profile. Amel is only one of the fantastic yacht manufacturers that comes to mind when thinking about superb sailing yachts. Quite simplyIf type of Yacht will circumnavigate the globe many times without stopping for a breath!

Fin Keel Yacht with Spade Rudder

Thousands of Fin and Spade Rudder Yachts came off a boat production line in the last twenty years. With no sign of slowing production, this configuration makes a high-speed yacht compared to conventional modern yacht keelshull shapes. Most fin and spade rudder yachts have a bolted-on keel. A bolt-on configuration is comparatively cheap to produce, and it’s fair to say this has revolutionised yachting over the last twenty-five years.

The computer-aided hull design also helps acquire a more incredible downwind speed. Hull shapes have evolved in recent years, resulting in much wider cockpits. The simple yet brilliant idea of installing a twin helm has further enabled the shape of a modern yacht to change over the years. A widening hull stern makes a yacht much more buoyant, making it an even faster boat. Conventional racing yachts generally go for a fin and spade keel set-up.

Disadvantages of a bolted-on keel

Severe damage to a hull can happen if an underwater collision between a bolted-on keel and a solid object occurs. You might get away with no damage if you get a can gradually sloping sandbank, but if you hit a rock at some speed, you run the risk of risk Yacht. Fin keel yachts cross the oceans without problems, but accidents have happened where objects have been struck far out to sea, causing severe problems. An underwater collision can seriously damage any yacht.


Informació d'embarcacions

Stop boat smels

Dealing with a smelly boat loo (Marine Heads)

How to stop smells in my boat? It is well documented that most smell in a boat loo come from decomposing microscopic marine life. Saltwater teems with life and is used on most boats to flush a marine head. Therefore, if the saltwater is not rinsed with freshwater, like milk or fresh produce, it goes sour. You can buy all sorts of chemicals to deal with the problem. I never used any marine cleaning product. I will explain my method of avoiding a smelly loo below. Before you read that, if you suffered from a smell in the Heads compartment for some time, you might need to replace the piping. I know customers use all sorts of chemicals to eliminate a persistent smell. In the end, replacing the flexy waste pipe can be the only solution as that pipe can become degraded.

I will not get into the complex holding tank setup as the subject is worthy of another post. Let’s assume you only seek guidance on keeping a marine loo smell-free.

Keeping the Heads smelling fresh

how to stop smells in my boathow to stop smells in my boat

Most boats and yachts have a head setup similar to the image on the left showing a Jabsco manual loo. Perhaps you are lucky enough to have a quiet flush electric loo? A similar principle applies. However, the electric loo does not have a hand pump and the modern ones are flushed with fresh water, as shown in the right-hand image.

Hand-pumped seawater heads have the potential to be very unhygienic. The pump handle shaft can spread lots of bacteria and is often contaminated with water passing the housing top seal.

My method of flushing includes using the hand shower freshwater system to rinse any remains of seawater from the loo system finally. This way of cleaning the loo after use has many benefits. I also leave a bottle of baby oil in the Heads compartment giving a final squirt into the bowl before pumping this out. When the seal is worn, the liquid will get onto your hands as you use the pump. That’s not good at all! The baby oil helps to add a little life to the seal that sits below the handle.

Rinse the loo with fresh water at least once a day.

Most marine compartments have an electric bilge pump that evacuates shower water. The compartment should be fully waterproof. So rinse the loo and then rinses down the compartment with fresh water at least once a day. Most boats carry an abundance of freshwater. It is essential to keep this water flowing, so liberal shower use cannot harm. Far too often, I talk to people who believe fresh water should be rationed. If you keep a boat in a marina, freshwater will look after your investment, and you should use lots of it.

Clean your bilge

The same principle applies to the above, although a slight word of caution because some marine operators get upset if you start pumping bilge water into the marina. So for the sake of being correct, let’s assume you are in a place with no restrictions.

Using plenty of hot soapy water

Washing your bilges with lots of fresh soapy water will eliminate most bilge smells. Greasy substances can be first dissolved using plenty of hot soapy water. The choice of chemical you use rests on your conscience, but for me, a concentrated household liquid soap (the same you use for dishes) works as well as anything I found in any chandlers. You also have the advantage household soap is less expensive than a specialist marine-branded product.

Consider painting it after you have washed your bilge (I have used a steamer before). In my opinion, a boat bilge should always be dry and immaculately clean. I never found a boat with a clean bilge that had a boat odour issue. No matter how old your boat is, keeping the underfloor sections of a boat clean is always the best practice.

You are selling your boat. I have been a broker for many years. I am asked to assess the value of boats daily. It’s clear to me that a boat free from nasty smells is the one that sells first for the most.

See our post-Diesel Bug in fuel tanks  and  Water in the Bilge Mystery

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Selling Your Boat in Port Ginesta

Selling Your Boat in Port Ginesta

Sell your boat
Sell your boat in Port Ginesta

Do you have a boat for sale in Port Ginesta Marina Barcelona or anywhere in Spain? Perhaps with the Covid Pandemic, you haven’t been able to visit for some time? If you think buyers are not out in force now, you are wrong. We have lots of buyers for Motor Boats and Yachts in all price ranges.

Boats for Sale Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona

The market

Buyers are out in force and are busy looking for a boat for sale in Port Ginesta and have been through the winter months. Most buyers are Spanish and Northern Europeans. We haven’t seen the Brits on the scene for some time, possibly due to Brexit. There is considerable uncertainty surrounding the VAT status of boats and yachts imported and exported from the UK.

What is happening to the VAT

When posting this, the news is not very clear about VAT changes to boats and yachts. It would appear that the UK-registered boats will be treated the same as boats outside the EU and will not be unfairly penalised if they stay in Europe. Travel rules are clear for boats leaving the EU and coming back. For more information about changes in VAT rules, please get in touch with us in Port Ginesta. 

Flag registration

Free Valuation 

Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona offers a free boat valuation service. We also operate a no-sale no-fee Wheel Pirate ship for sale Barcelonabrokerage. Generally, yacht values have increased during the last six months. This is not the case for vessels that have not been maintained. Buyers want to see service history more than anything, so if you’re asking for the top-price boat, please ensure maintenance is up to date, and then you stand a good chance of selling.

Boats that have not seen owners for twelve months will be marked down slightly if not lifted out for service. The yard in Port Ginesta has been tranquil in recent months, no doubt, because owners cannot travel. Either the situation will remain the same, or the yard will become oversubscribed during February and March. Either way, call our office if you are considering selling or need maintenance. We will be happy to arrange this for you. 

More details and local information is available from Chiara at Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona.


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Sitges News

Church and Marina beach in Sitges






















Sitges is a great yachting centre.

We love the town of Sitges at Network Yachts Broker Barcelona. Apart from sailing and boating, we like the culture and art it offers, and it is a pleasure to share the latest information we have with you. 

Usually, in summer, the port of Sitges is filled with music. Events take place outdoors and cater to every taste in music and festival. Time to party in Sitges begins between July and August. Most events are free of charge, including the famous “Festival Concerts de Mitjanit.

The 2019 Concerts de Mitjanit offered a full proposal with different music styles with a special tribute to all-time’s best female voices.

Other festivals and events are listed below: also Barcelona Festival and Fun.

  • The Festival of the Virgen del Carmen, 
  • “La Gran Noche Lírica”, 
  • The Sitges Big Band, short films with the collaboration of the International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.
  • Urban Art Show,

This was possible thanks to Sònia Felip, the Foundation of the Port of Aiguadolç. To her, culture is everyone’s heritage, and she feels it is of utmost importance but also a great joy to bring it closer to the people of the port, boat owners or not.

Unfortunately, this year, the “Concerts de Mitjanit” is suspended for the first time in sixteen years due to the risk of contagion by Covid19. 

The port of Sitges and its Foundation have tried to resist until the last moment to continue celebrating it for another year.

Although they are following government guidelines, the current situation seems to be aggravated, and therefore, it is better to be patient and wait for 2021. They are forced to prioritize and make difficult decisions in these challenging times.

If you want, you can also visit the new “Library of the Port”, where people give a second life to books, which remains open all year round.

We propose other fun and curious plans at Network Yacht Broker Barcelona by the new guidelines. 

Follow us to know what is the Sitge’s summer plan in the next post:


We look forward to answering any queries and giving you information about buying or renting a boat in Stiges with Network Yacht Broker Barcelona.

Today, in Network Yacht Broker Barcelona, we will tell you more about environmental certification. We will speak about Sitges and The Biosphere Destination. 

First of all, what is the Biosphere Destination Certification?

Biosphere Destination is a voluntary and independent certification system based on sustainability and continuous improvement. 

The certification is internationally recognized by the Institute of Responsible Tourism, a non-profit entity supporting UNESCO and the World Tourism Organization. 

It is an excellent reference to international tourism. 

Sitges constantly improves its culture and environment. 

The city of Sitges has successfully supered the audit, and now the new objective of Sitges is to achieve the Gold category.

Therefore, getting to the next level implies that Sitges will adhere to several companies that follow the Biosphere commitment.

Currently, 15 companies have to start the process of joining this 2020. The mayor of Sitges highlights that “it is one more step to be more present” and “the importance of the work between public and private companies.”

Sitges should respect more than 112 objectives to have the Biosphere Destination Certification. The company values if tourism, social and economic policy support for the local community, and improving cultural and environmental heritage. Thanks to the audit, Sitges understood his strengths and opportunities, which will establish a new plan of action for the following year. 

The town hall and its advisers have created a thirty improvement list and eight strength points that must be maintained and further improved.

The most important projects are the Sitges Online Reputation Study which includes concrete measures like a new cleaning contract, encouraging the resident’s recovery task, and maintaining the raft of the “Jardines de Terramar.sustainable sitges

Advisors of Sitges constantly work to improve and sustain the certification, which accredits Stiges as a development model. 

Luís Miguel García (tourism conciliar)

He said it is essential for Sitges to have better private-sector involvement. However, Sitges needs to keep its position as a sustainable tourist destination of international recognition”.

At Network Yacht Broker Barcelona, we think the best way to visit a place like Sitges, following and respecting guidelines, is to travel by boat. It permits visiting different places without taking a car o a plane, booking different hotels, and many other things, as we explain on our web page. 

If you want more information about buying a yacht or yacht charter, follow us on Instagram @NetworkYachtBrokersBarcelona or visit http://www.networkyachtbrokersbarcelona.com.  

We look forward to answering any queries and giving you all the information you want about boats and Sitges. 



Port of Aiguadolç links

Network yacht Broker Barcelona 

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Barcelona festivals and fun in June 2018

What is Barcelona like to visit in June?

Beach In Sitges Festival BarcelonaBarcelona Festivals and Fun June 2018. The summer starts the festival season, making Barcelona Province buzz with activity. June is a great month to be here because it is still not very crowded for most of the month. The hoards arrive at the end of July/August when many Spanish companies close for the holidays. You can still get a table in any excellent restaurant, and the beaches are not yet a sea of colourful parasols.This year, we have had tons of rain already. The surrounding area has had plenty of water, so it is greener and healthier than usual. Now, the sun is well and truly out, and the temperature is up. This time of year usually gives us excellent beach weather, but it´s still cool at night.In Barcelona city, one of the most significant festival events each year is the “Nit de St Joan” on 23-24 June. The festival honours both the birth of St. John the Baptist and the Summer Solstice. This festival does bring in crowds, with around 70,000 people in the city for the weekend.It´s like Bonfire Night and New Year´s Eve rolled into one. Beach bonfires are lit, fireworks are everywhere, and an epic street party rocks until the small hours. Revellers often opt for a midnight swim, an age-old custom representing a ¨Baptismal cleanse¨ (or having fun after a few glasses of cava!). Sitges and Castelldefels have smaller versions of the party for those who don´t want to be among many people in the city.Barcelona festivals and fun june 2018

Music is in everyone´s minds as June is also the start of the music festival season.

Primavera (Spring) Sound is a rock and pop festival at the beginning of June – in its 19th year – with open-air concert stages all over the city. The middle of the month also gives us Sonar – a DJ festival offering a chance to dance in the city´s squares.Live appearances by well-known artists are happening this month at the Festival Jardins de Pedralbes. We will see Simple Minds, Elvis Costello, and Emili Sande, and it´s not unusual for us to have another visit from Tom Jones! Shakira is playing at the Palau St. Jordi. There are often free concerts in the main square at the fascinating miniature village of Poble Espanyol. This is worth visiting to see the miniature version of Spain´s (architectural) greatest hits.At the end of the month is the Gay Pride Parade and festival in Barcelona. A smaller version of this festival has already happened in Sitges. This is a very Palau St Jordi festival Barcelonasocial occasion with several free music events and the opportunity to dress up in wacky costumes for the parade.For a real Catalan experience, go and see the Castellers. This month several of the nearby towns of St. Pere de Ribes or Sant Cugat are hosting the ¨human tower¨ competitions, which run nearly yearly. Try not to think about ¨health and safety¨ while you watch a brave five-year-old child scamper to the top of up to 5 levels of people!About us  / Testimonials / Sell Your Boat / Boats For Sale  / News Posts / Boats For Sale News Post / Yacht For Sale PostsBoat Maintainance Posts / Spain information Posts / Living on a Boat Posts  / Marina Berth for Rent Spain / Yacht Brokers Job Posts / Join Us / Yacht Syndicate / Barcelona
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Join us and become a Yacht Broker!


Why not join the largest group of professional Yacht Brokers in Europe? We are based in premier marina locations. Many prime Brokerage areas in Europe are ready to develop. Join the group, and you will find it easier to develop your own business.When you first join Network Yacht Brokers, we will give you a detailed introduction to operating the marketing system we call Helm. It doesn’t matter what work you’ve done before. You will get all the help, support and advice you need to start your journey to become a successful yacht broker.Please watch the video below to learn more about our successful business model!Join us video robs story barcelonaFor more information, call our office in Barcelona, and we will be happy to give you any advice you might need. This is my story to follow the link.Network Yacht Brokers is a true cooperative. We support each other but retain our independence as individual companies. Find out what our customers say.Tel +34 937 97 82 40 About us  / Testimonials / Sell Your Boat / Boats For Sale  / News Posts / Boats For Sale News Post / Yacht For Sale PostsBoat Maintainance Posts / Spain information Posts / Living on a boat Posts  / Marina Berth for Rent Spain / Yacht Brokers Job Posts / Join Us / Yacht Syndicate / Barcelona
Vaixells en venda

AMEL Super Maramu Yacht SOLD by Network Yacht Brokers

Amel Super Maramu Yacht

Amel Super Maramu YachtStep onboard and sail away on this Amel Super Maramu Yacht. We think you might want this if you’re getting ready to travel the globe. Designed by Henri Amel & Jaques Carteau in 1993, she is an AMEL Super Maramu. She represents a premier brand that became a famous well-found globetrotter. We do have, from time to time, yachts listed for sale that include everything on board. However, she has got everything you might need. We spent time below the deck and enjoyed looking at the impressive stack of charts. They showed many parts of the world. The inventory is so good that it could be possible to set sail around the globe shortly after purchase.High res Amel Yacht marina


Some design features are unique to AMEL. Even the gamble on the food bows is excellent. We did like the aft cabin. It is an excellent distance from the main saloon and gives an owner or skipper distance from the crew for contemplation, should it be needed. The below deck is well-kept, and the beautiful yacht is pleasing to the eye. The owner has agreed to leave behind a lovely oil painting of Nice, France. This is on the wall in the saloon. This painting, along with the luxurious fabric replaced when the reupholstery work was done, helps to give this AMEL Yacht an individual feel.

On deck, Amel Super Maramu Yacht

The running rigging was replaced in 2016. It’s a welcome improvement to the look of this yacht. When she was in Greece, we were told the engine was replaced, and at the time, she underwent extensive engineering work. The hardtop offers excellent shelter from the inevitable spray one encounter during a passage. Reefing the yacht is easy, as the primary and forestay have electric motors positioned at the base. This direct power reefing system is a great design feature that has been replicated recently on other brands.Follow this link to the spec for more technical details.About us  / Testimonials / Sell Your Boat / Boats For Sale  / News Posts / Boats For Sale News Post / Yacht For Sale PostsBoat Maintainance Posts / Spain information Posts / Living on a Boat Posts  / Marina Berth for Rent Spain / Yacht Brokers Job Posts / Join Us / Yacht Syndicate / Barcelona
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Keep your boat in Spain

Have you thought about moving your boat to the sunshine?

Perhaps you wonder where to keep your boat in Spain to make the most of the precious time you have on it. We think Port Ginesta Marina will be an excellent choice for a base and well worth investigating. Below are just a few reasons why we like it.

Port Ginesta Marina is just a short distance from Barcelona International Airport. It is the biggest marina in the area and can hold up to 1500 boats and yachts. Being about ten miles outside the city centre, we benefit from a bit of quiet away from the hustle and bustle of Europe’s most vibrant city. Port Ginesta is close to a lovely marina within the Sitges’ holiday town.

We cannot think you would not like our marina as you can easily sail to Barcelona city centre for lunch or overnight and Mallorca is only a short sail away. We have miles of beautiful beaches and bars waiting for you to enjoy. Over 600 flights a month arrive in Barcelona from the UK. We are a little over an hour away by plane from many European cities.

So if you are looking for something different or have a family who wants more than just boats, beaches and bars, Port Ginesta should be on your radar for a place to keep your boat in 2018. We put a short page together about Port Ginesta’s facilities; please follow the link and call us if you need further information.

vender mi barco boat in spain

yacht brokerage chiara campagnaro Corredors de iots

We moved in a new bigger office

A new year and a new home for Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona!

Network Yacht Brokers Barcelona has started the new year with a bigger and more professional office! We moved office and are now in the new part of Port Ginesta Marina, where the bigger yachts are, and the sunset is even more incredible! Did you see our old office? 

Starting the new year in a new stunning office in Port Ginesta; you are more than welcome to come to see it and say hello to us! 2018 will be a fantastic year for everybody in the Marina. Here at Network Yacht Brokers, we are full of positive energy to share.

We have decided to keep our Broker fees low for twelve months. If you are considering selling or buying a boat, please get in touch with Rob or Chiara in our office for a special price. 

Find out our location https://www.networkyachtbrokersbarcelona.com/contact-us/

Our new office allows us to offer more services to our customers. See what our clients say so far about the service they received from us. Please follow this link to the testimonials page.

Don’t forget to visit our home page. It’s full of excellent links.

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